
My problem with this fucker is that it doesn't support surround sound :(

I guess you could say the One is....diskinected.

Only Jamie Foxx could pull off the "Male Asari" look.

Your local dealership will try to sell you their headlight restoration service for about $100. Do it yourself instead for about 4% of that. Even if you don't bother with the rebate, it's still a good deal.

LOL at using gloves.

If you're curious about how all the versions of Titanfall hold up visually, then you should watch this graphical comparison video by IGN. Unsurprisingly, the PC version looks the best out of the three.

Enjoy paying for the ability to play the game every month.

The first 2 games were great? LOL!

Guess how many times I've had to walk my cat this winter?

When I first decided to make my own powdered laundry detergent, almost everything I read said that a bare tablespoon of detergent would be plenty, which seemed really low to me. After going through almost half of a batch, I can say that a tablespoon is actually more than enough - I actually use about half of a

Someone is broke and looking for money.

Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Attack on Liver

If Comcast and Time-Warner merge, disc based games may be around a little longer than he expects.

No one gets insane about a game being 30 fps or 60 fps.

What people care about is when THE SAME game runs TWICE as good on the CHEAPER console

I avoid traffic jams by leaving either earlier or later than the time when traffic jams generally occur. I live in Florida and the worst thing to deal with down here on the non high density hours (rush hour) is people lining up side by side driving down the road and no one actually passing each other.

Daunted Jeff Goldblum is daunted.