

Commenter who prefers Xbox: You suck Kotaku, stop posting biased BS! You're all just Sony fanboys.

Meanwhile, Ryse arrived via USPS Flat Rate. If it fits, it ships!

My god. That thing is gorgeous.

It's like a Black NES if I they made the vent half twice as wide!

Semi-relevant 'shop I made for a Kinect article earlier this week.

One thing I'd be interested to see is people speed-running games from the install-point and seeing if they can reach a point in the game that hasn't been installed yet.

long long time reader, first time poster, feels good ! Anyway more to the point, surprised to see that Driveclub isn't on the list, despite other non-finished titles (eg infamous) being on display. Just how bad a shape must it be in?

To save $100, I'd put the code in myself.

Unless you're imagining this as well

"Gather 'round the fire, boys and girls. Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I call this story...the tale of the mysterious Pokemon ghost girl."

I love you for referencing Are You Afraid of the Dark

Dude looks like Jon Taffer in the lead shot.

Honey, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and Sriracha. Practically a BBQ sauce by itself but when complemented by Sweet Baby Ray's it's amazing. Maybe a little Liquid Smoke and a dash of cayenne to top it off. Also a shot of pretty much any whiskey and if you get your ratios off you can just add ketchup and/or more

i make my own powdered laundry detergent using similar ingredients:

Alphas was born to be cancelled. The Scify network are runned by moronic idiot F***tards. They cancelled stargate universe, sanctuary, ect.. they must be eliminated.