
You just changed my meal prep game.

This actually works for me since I have a detached garage. I really hate having my packages left out on the porch until I get home so I’ll give this a try. I’ll throw a cheap wyze cam inside of the garage and hope deliveries go smoothly. Since I just moved in there’s nothing of value in my garage but I know not

Doesn’t look like anything to me, bitch. 

To add to this, I also offer my seat up to construction workers. They are usually on their feet all day long and when you offer them a seat they are SUPER grateful. I sit in an office all day so I don’t mind giving up my seat if I manage to get one. I know that some of us are into our devices when we ride the boring

What should I look for in a good body soap? Is Dr. Bronner’s soap really good or just all hype?

Davos Skyworth, The Sea and Air Onion Knight!

I’ve seen people use all types of gadgets on the subway; including macbooks and ipad pros. Usually half the train has their face buried in some type of device with headphones on their heads. It really depends on what time of day you pull out your gadgets.

Didn’t she warn you?

Add promo code CSUMMERFUN2016 for $15 off.

Add promo code CSUMMERFUN2016 for $15 off.

Big Boo.

This review came just in time. I was searching for an AC yesterday and came across this exact model. No reviews or even a preview about it anywhere. Good to know its worth a buy, picking it up tomorrow.

I started using a bay leaf, sprig of thyme and butter in my rice cooker. The flavor is really good and smells great when its in the final stages of cooking.

I figured it would be expensive but I wasn’t going to buy if it was over $500. At $600 I want to see a live demo before I open up my wallet. It’s been said that once you experience the Oculus Rift then you will want so I’m hoping they have a plan to have events or kiosks in every state/country for people on the fence

I can see it now. The new 2020 Toyota Camry drives through your living room while you are surfing Kotaku on Hololens.

They want an invite to the next keynote.

I remember reading an article about his voice work. He said that when he would get into the studio the producers would tell him “use the Nathan Drake voice but grittier” or something to that effect. But there has been a few games where he gets to display his range. (The Arkham games and Last of Us).

I agree with you as well. My living room has the best seating, TV and surround sound in the house. So naturally I have all of my game consoles there and where my wife and company like to spend a lot of our time. But if my wife wants to watch a movie or a TV show I don’t like or if she has company over, I can just go

I know a few people like that. Never cared for comics when we were growing up but all of a sudden they see the movies, read one comic and buy a Cap shield shirt and say they have always been a fan. But on the other side of that I have noticed people like my wife who actually start to jump into comics (Chew, Kamala

“directed by Bruce Timm- a God among insects.”