
Not sure if this helps but my grandmother treated all of her wooden utensils the same way she treats the cutting boards. She hand washes them, wipes them dry and then rubs lemon on them and some mineral oil.

My uncle is the same way. My aunt is a great cook and he loves her food but he won't eat leftovers. He's the first one to pile on food to his plate during dinner and holidays but as soon as everyone is ready to leave, he is making sure all the food is given away or else it gets thrown out. I have no Idea how he became

I'm immune except for when I go to Costco. I just can't seem to stick to my budget when I go there.

Holy shit, just saw the video and where he knocks that dude out at 1:00 I felt bad. Is that guy OK? Goddamn, it looked like he was having a seizure or something on the ground. Then I looked up another fight with some dude named Bubba and it looked like he almost knocked his eye out.

A Nuforce UDAC 2 and Audioengine A5 speakers.

I don't want to wait until the damn summer, I want it NAO!! My gaming memories just flashed before my eyes watching this announcement trailer.

Don't you know fast food makes girls fart?

I won't be buying at launch. The first year of a new console is usually the slowest/weakest. Waiting a year or so after launch won't hurt and I will just lurk in the forums to see what hardware issues arise from the new consoles. If the next-gen consoles had backwards compatibility then it would get me to upgrade

I expect to see an article by her about the gif on this page and how it's wrong to kill a woman in a game.

I wouldn't mind seeing a model that is pure HDMI with maybe 6+ ports and super thin. It could auto switch to components like an HDMI switch while still outputting great sound and no big remote with confusing buttons. I could see someone like my father-in-law or grandfather setting something like that up without


I was skeptical too but glad to see it's real. E3 can't come soon enough.

I thought the footage at the conference was pre-rendered or a pre-recorded video clip. Glad to see I was wrong and they were telling the truth, it really is playable. Can't blame me for being skeptical but I can admit when I'm wrong.

LMAO! Next-gen features.

If they decide to block used games then they need to meet us halfway. Drop the price of new games from $60 to around $40-$45. Every game should have a downloadable version in case a publisher decides they don't want to print more copies. Games should also be region free. Titles should also be linked to my account in

6 weeks is fine, if it was after the summer then I would be a little disappointed.

LMAO! My favorite so far.

Damn I love Lost Odyssey, the only game that made me glad I wasn't immortal.

It looks better in person. The design is really nice and its very quiet. The only negative for me is the disc tray cover, it just feels cheap. Other than that I think it's great.

Yay, pee pee time!