
*cracks whip*

Can you have a section or something that informs us when demos come out for every system? Or just a recap of what demos came out each week?

This is what I use: http://www.squeezeplug.de/

I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but ads ain't one.

I have the same case, love it.


It was a Wang computer. My grandmother had a discount with the school system and brought a few for me and my cousins.

The Dash likes...

Wait until you see Selina Kyle in this....

You fucked up. You're supposed to use the mango Sentinel and show 'em ya curleh mustache.

I put my credit card into the DVD slot of my computer....did you get it?

Vote: XBMC

His voice work as the Penguin in Arkham City was great too.

You have said everything that I was thinking. You must be a wizard.

I saw the Gordon Ramsay video too and thought it looked undercooked but I gave it a shot anyway. They taste great and I really like the texture. When I make scrambled eggs for breakfast I prefer his method but I have to cook it longer for my wife because she just can't wrap her head around it.

Depending on how new the game is I can snag it on ebay for at most $40 with free shipping. I've got a bunch of games 2-3 weeks after release for under $40 like Farcry 3, God of war 3, Gears of war series, Killzone 2 and many others.

Years ago, I had a cousin who used to work at Best Buy. He would purchase the games and carefully open them up and take the disks out then return them. When I found out about that, I would always open my games up at any game store I would purchase from. I cannot imagine going home hyped to play a game and the box is

I can't wait to see how many zeros are in the pricetag.

Or watching Game of Thrones season 3!
