Pictured: the author.
Pictured: the author.
Im a lifelong cardinals supporter and I fucking hate our fans
Came for multi-paragraph rant from overly sensitive Cardinals fan. Was not disappointed.
St Louis Cardinals - The Most Defensive Fans in Baseball
h/t to ElephanTitus Andronicus for the idea
...and wear some jorts!
I perceived it as deliberate provocation
Has to be the Cardinals. As best I can tell from Deadspin’s dedicated coverage, no team loses as often as they do.
Reasonable points ... but then only one of these teams got investigated by the Feds.
I’ve got no plans to go nowhere.
Let’s see...
Not a joke —
I’d pay a decent amount of money to watch LeBron tend goal on some Messi free kicks.
Serious question:
Hot Take incoming: Going off of the list of sports LeBron could excel at from yesterday’s Fun Bag I’m prepared to say that Lebron could have stopped that Messi free kick.
Rovell, meanwhile, is angry that Watt wore a Nike shirt with a Reebok hat.
Real talk, PFT Commenter may be my #1 sports writer right now.
Wyh this now, Dwyane?