Ice Pick

La q’uen? Kenny G? Kenjoshi?

My kids watched that and I found myself laughing at it in the background.

yeah but then 911 is called and the dope that did this will be punished. Good on you kid! This is a great invention and like another poster said, I hope he gets it patented and makes a boat load of cash from the licensing but we all know that companies out there will try to screw over this young inventor.

this is the first i’m hearing of this movie. Looks fun and funny. I’m in! tremendous cast.

Sharlto or GTFO.

saw this movie for the first time about 2 years ago; it’s just so mind-bendingly weird that I loved it. totally unexpected! The dystopian, terry gilliam feel of the 1st half is just tremendous.

Can we just make sure that in a flash forward, older Nate is played by Nate Fillion, please?

you’re stuck on a proverbial fashion island with only two choices for lower body covering - Jorts or Cargo Shorts...what do you pick?

you’re stuck on a proverbial fashion island with only two choices for lower body covering - Jorts or Cargo

can we all agree that wild bongo playing makes every song better? #makeamericabongoagain

I’d make out with a blob fish if it meant I couldn’t get cancer and lived forever.

We need to develop the Argo (aka Yamato)!

thanks for sharing that. amazing watch.

wait, live audience in the “time skimmer”? How dangerous is this! I thought the SDF-1 having macross in the cargo hold was bad...

only one time use? that’s unfortunate.

only one time use? that’s unfortunate.

is this the large dealer group on Rt 2/bald hill road by chance? as a rhode islander, our luxury car dealers are few. My dad and I walked into this dealership and were looking at an SC, when the salesperson walked by us (we were wearing workout clothes) and said “yeah fellas, keep dreaming”. Needless to say, my dad

no G-spot jokes? have we hit peak lady-part-humor? #iamdisappoint

I’d like to see YOU take a picture thru your stigmata holes and get better quality!

wait, are people actually still producing episodes of sleepy hollow? I literally had no idea. Have not seen one promo spot, nor advert. is it a tax shelter for the network or something?

Bruno mars is one of the BEST live acts the music world has. He’s incredible.

I tell ya, that Jimmy Cameron kid, he’s goin’ places in the moving picture business!