Ice Pick

And then they came for the group gatherings, And I didn’t speakup because I could go to the bar; And then they came for the barkeeps, And I didn’t speak up because I could stream illegally; And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time i was watching porn because, who cares about Jags V. Titans?

coming up as $80 is there a coupon or something that i’m missing?

coming up as $80 is there a coupon or something that i’m missing?

not to get all meme-y, but “do you even kid, bro?”

my eyes!! the pouches do nothing!

but that’s why you have the steering wheel. the system could sense/detect rain/snow/whatever and if it deems that the driver must engage, the controls swing out and boom, you drive.

I frigging love it. haters go on hating. This is amazing. Adaptive controls based on situation = beautiful.

I got a grip, came equipped, grabbed they proton packs off my back and...stayed!

Came for the Vigo, stayed for the article! Well written and oddly fascinating.

that B-1 is pure sex. goddamn what a great looking aircraft

Mobile Airborne Grouped Nonlethal Unmanned Magnetic - Pulse Initiator. Now with more mustache!

I was hoping for “Strategic Hyper Electro Magnetic Pulse”, actually. nyuk nyuk.

yeah, I was kinda thinking that the terror implications of this tech is far more scary.

It was picked up by the Logo channel, and shot in glorious HD.

yo dawg, we heard you liked wings....yadda yadda.

that groove at 1:06 is magical. Also is the sound of Jack’s drums. What a performance!

these are FAR from nightmare parents. It shows they know what they and their kid need. I honestly see nothing wrong with this. We have sent similar notes to some family when they ask what does your family need for <insert gift-day here>. If you don’t want to know don’t ask.

Umphrey's does have a foothold in the area...hmm.

"Some people think it's confusing," said Alan Batey, president of GM North America. "People are having some fun with it. It is generating awareness, which is good. It's so conversational."

no kidding, right? BOLT THROWER! LIVE!

woah woah woah. Radioshack was predicting black quarterbacks all the way back then? this should have been "Doug Williams LCD Football"