
Doesn’t turn left. Only reich. 

It was a NAZI salute.  Quite fascist washing this NAZI.

Something that plays orders of magnitude larger role than cash for clunkers in the supply of Great Recession era cars is that 4-6 million fewer new cars per year were sold for over 2 years because of the Great Recession.

Deport the lying Nazi, Elon Musk.

The dude has used Twitter MANY times over to dog whistle 14/88.

Yeah, as I overheard someone at lunch pointing out, once is an awkward coincidence.  Over and over again is not.

Yup. Right here in this picture we’ve got a grandson of nazis and son of apartheidists, who has openly endorsed the AFD (German neo-nazis), courted the alt-right and hate groups, gifted Twitter to them as an open platform, and is talking about “securing the future of human civilization” right as he’s doing the

Musk is an actual fucking nazi.  NOBODY should buy a tesla.  FUCK that POS.

I’m just going to leave this here. He has clearly he told us who he really is, all in one photo. He also did this solute several times!

I replaced my Model 3 with an EV made in a country where Musk could have been arrested for that salute. Irony. 

No company is completely innocent (just look at all the banks accused of fraud or robbing their own customers). But these days I will settle for the companies whose CEOs aren’t making “awkward hand gestures” during public appearances.

Everybody thinks they are a superstar driver, until that 1980s turbo lag kicks in and the lack of modern traction control and electronics isn’t there to save you.

Not that General Motors is a innocent lil’ angel of a company... but I’m pretty glad we chose to get an Equinox EV instead of a Tesla. In fact- I’d say Elon just helped GM and probably anyone else who makes an EV a lot. 

Even the minister who said the prayer at the inauguration has launched a crypto coin, $LORENZO. The money changers really have taken over the temple.

The grift in this administration is going to be mind-blowing. He and the first Mattress Pad have already launched their crypto currencies, and that, I’m sure, is just the beginning. Truly a sad new era for America.

“That is my emotional support replica IED, sir.”

Is there really anyone reading this who has never wandered down the dumb shit aisle at a truck stop?

He just created the concept of customs!

Sad thing: there are a LOT of Trump fans in Canada amongst the conservative voters, and the venn diagram of auto workers and conservative voters has a large overlap.

Especially with Canada. Basically the entire deficit with Canada is discount priced raw oil that is pulled out of the ground in Canada and sent straight to the US to be processed and refined by US workers and sold for high margins to global customers as gas, oil and plastic products. If Canada gets smart, they can