
I think it’s pretty clear what Elon Musk’s playbook is. He wants to get rid of the subsidies, and then he can import all his batteries from China (as is the case with the LFP battery in the Model 3) without any competitive disadvantage. Meanwhile he will of course, support blocking Chinese EV’s. So he gets the

Gosh! How dare you talk about politics! What do you think this is? Some kind of democracy?

as a Tax Payer I’m all for that

Except Trump has a habit of filling the courts, at all levels, with fascist cronies. We already know the Supreme Court has been hijacked by the right wing extremists. So no, the courts will not protect us from Trump fascism. In fact the courts is the most important reason to vote against Trump, and any Republican for

As with all things vehicular , a jack-of-all-trades is never a satisfying solution. 

As with street racing and sideshows, graffiti is not a bad thing inherently. Young people should be given a space to do these things legally. I think every city should allow graffiti on all concrete traffic structures. When they are given space to do their thing, they won’t have to do it illegally or on inappropriate

I’m a bike commuter too. I feel like Elon Musk has signed all of us up to be FSD beta testers. Only we are the crash test dummies.

If the battery dies, so do you

Once this technology is demonstrated, the roll out could be pretty fast. I imagine non-self-driving cars would just be banned in city centers, just like old polluting diesels are now banned in many cities in Germany.

Also, humans are not ‘the best drivers’. Humans suck and cause thousands of accidents all the time. Why on earth would you want to mimick that?

Also if FSD completely misses a deer on the road, what makes you think it would have better luck making out a cyclist or pedestrian?

I actually hit a deer once, here in the Bay Area, California, about as developed an urban area as there is in the US.

The sale would make Blue Origin a more competitive rival to SpaceX overnight

Originally the ‘oxygenated’ gasoline was designed to reduce emissions in carbureted engines. Today those are basically gone from the roads. I don’t know if there is any benefits in fuel injected engines with oxygen sensors and such.

The Robotaxi is vaporware like most things Elon, but the idea is not wrong. Traffic jams could be eliminated because all these robo cars would move in unison. Fuel use would be reduced and also they would all draft behind each other creating an aerodynamic ‘train’. And there is no need for them to stop at

Precisely.  Just like Trump himself said he wanted immigrants from ‘Norway’. It’s just naked racism.

At the very least, SpaceX and Starlink need to be split up. It’s too dangerous to have one man controlling the Starlink system and threatening to shut it of in the middle of a war.

Also- she was working illegally when she posed for those nude photos.

So just like Melania Trump who worked illegally as a pom starlet.. Trump just loves to surround himself with illegals.

Yeah. I mean the Miata also had a hard plastic interior, but at least it looked like somebody actually took pride in designing it. Whereas the Viper looked like it was designed by the same guy who designed the interior of all their other rental specials, and the grey plastic looks like it was poured out of the same