
We don’t know what it is but I bet Netflix has already bought the movie rights to it!

It’s just a matter of time before Elon Musk calls Climate Change a hoax.

Tesla. Leading purveyor of vaporware.

Are they nuts? A 2 dr sport coupe? Haven’t they gotten the memo? 2 dr coupes are deader than dead.

It’s nothing like a train. It’s just dumb.

All that shaking and the thief climbing in, should have triggered the alarm even without glass breaking detection.

Probably the least of his offenses.

The excuse is bunk. This station is right on a busy national highway that crosses the width of the US. It’s not like it’s on a dead-end spur that requires the fuel trucks to make a long detour.

On the one hand, you are right. With a little planning you could skip this rip-off joint. But on the other hand, it would be so nice to just be able to just go on a driving trip without all the detailed planning and without worrying about being ripped off blind at every turn. Who wants to road-trip like that?

Remember when Republicans had a platform other than women in the kitchen and hatred toward 55% of Americans.

Trump does not respect his sons. Vance was mostly pushed by Peter Thiel and Elon Musk. Elon Musk dangled $45 million per month in front of Trump and made Trump pick Vance.

The day can’t come soon enough when all car dealers get replaced by direct-to-consumer.

It looks good. Just not in that matte black. Matte black was played out 10 years ago.

Uh oh. Here comes a whole generation of terrorists using Toyota Mirais as suicide IEDs. Thanks Toyota.

Why restrict it to ‘National Parks’ though? Most off-road vehicle parks are actually run by the states and counties. 

Totally fitting name for a car that is total sh*t but you are stuck with it.

Kia Stonic? So they couldn’t decide on Tonic or Sonic and came up with Stonic.

I’m curious- has anyone sold some kind of kit to convert the semi-auto to regular stick shift with a regular clutch? As I understand it, a fair number of autostick VW bugs were subsequently converted to stick shift.

A lot of the slack-jaw folks have never set foot inside any air-conditioned office, and have no idea what  American corporate culture is like.

Buy American ......just not those Americans