Lando Calrissian (This deal is getting worse all the time)

image fail.

@SinisterUrge13: I always thought that was lava. Thanks for ruining the 90's for me.

Shortly after this was reported, the Chinese Official responsible was seen in Hong Kong boarding a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit.

I remember on Christmas when my mom had left the room and I opened my next present. I was ecstatic when it turned out to be a copy of Mario 64, but to my sadness my mom told me that Santa must have made a mistake, since they couldn't find the N64 in stores. All was made well again when the last present I opened was

When I was really young my dad and I went to Price Club (Costco back in the day) and I bought Jurassic Park on Gameboy for like $20. Whoever brought the game out gave us the Super Nintendo version instead, best day ever!

All three Super Stars Wars games new in box for $9.99 on eBay.

@Emran Qadir Ismail: I'm not sure why I found this so funny. I assume you wear this shirt regularly?

When I used to work at Circuit City, I'd be leaving the store Wednesday night and there would already be about 4-5 people in line.

@SwatLax: Now this.... THIS is a good question. I would assume that it wouldn't because I just purchased my brother a gift card for 6 Months of 1 DVD + Unlimited.

@Huatnee: I heard a long time ago that Shenmue would of had to of been purchased by every single Dreamcast owner twice to break even.

@makerofthegames @ xaotikdesigns but then my Uranium bit wouldn't of worked!

The USS Ronald Reagan is a Nimitz class nuclear powered carrier, so they wouldn't have to pay for the gas.

@OMG! A SeaMonster!!!: This! I can't stand people who come to work because they just can't miss it for whatever reason. When I get sick, I take sick days, I don't use them when I want to just sit at home and play hooky.

This song is Bad. I mean, its off the wall, dangerous, by far the worst song in HIStory.

@Thorkel: So youre saying being a homosexual is a bad thing? Comparing homosexuals and perverts is the kind of bigotry I can't stand. If that's what you thought after watching 300, it seems you have some issues of your own to work out.

Our bus driver in Europe is the only guy I know who could talk on a cell phone, smoke a cigarette, and shift gears.