
Pakistan has homosexuality as a crime punishable up to life in prison, Mauritania has it as a capital crime, Iran..well I think you get the point

Can someone explain why my comment was deleted?

I mean I’m very sure if someone had worn a Jesus themed garb he would have said the same thing

Can you elaborate on the video calling? The article says it's only available to the female population (or at least implies it), is the male population not permitted to use the video calling? If that's the case, any idea why?

Came across this today. Tried it. Loved it.

Yeah fuck public health! COVID 19 is so racist!

This guy deserves some serious props, and a medal, but Thai publication needs some serious work to distinguish itself from the actual Medal of Honor.

I don’t know where to get juniper berries. Any alternative that's readily available?

Literally no one is getting tested

If I am ever enough of a piece of shit that I try to kill a cop, I hope my loved ones survive long enough to spit on my grave

But mostly the actions of the guy that tried to kill a cop

Crazy how attempted murder of a police officer makes the police officer the bad guy

Yeah it's pretty clear to anyone that forcing average, unwilling citizens into life threatening careers is great for any society

Gotta love liberal logic. On one hand they demonize someone for arguing against condoms, but hail the passing of laws that encourage the intentional transmission of HIV. I wish I was simple enough to understand

Or...and bear with me here... Enjoy that extra hour of sleep...

Kind of related:

LeBron's Tots?

I mean... literally anyone can. Unless the school's have an eligibility requirement I'm not familiar with?

Yah the supine hold is particularly effective against school shooters

I mean I was taught swear words were taking the Lord's name in vain, and curse words were other profanities but from a more colloquial frame of mind I'd say that all of the above do fit into a category of words that are considered profane to some manner. I wouldn't say it to a pastor, so they fit the bill imo. You're