
No this is literally the best possible outcome. Iran had to hit back, and they did so in a way that seemed tough but wasn’t, and Trump knew that, and want going to start another skirmish that Iran would have to retaliate too.

In other words the system for reporting bad police works, and the bad ones are disciplined with due process

Cops here rarely pursue for any reason now. You can outrun the cops, but you can't outrun the radio

Not even gonna lie, I thought this was gonna have some grey area, or room for me to be like "let's wait for the full story." But that shit ain't got no context that makes it alright

Yah I mean I don’t think you need a law for this

Imagine (and I genuinely hope you only have to imagine) being the victim of a rape, violent assault, or the family member of said crime, and then you see the perpetrator posting blogs and the like.

Some clarity requested:

Yeah I feel like this is partly on the restaurant at least. And if the dude doing it got fired, so should the manager who was obviously okay with it

I kind of liked them. They were easier to hold. You could grasp the bottom with one hand to take a picture and not click everything on the screen.

Is it that bad? LDL I mean

What happened before the camera turned on?

Big thing is trying different types and brews

Most of the time on The Root there’s a “annnnnd there’s the real story” moment

Except officer Pantaleo was fired. Not just docked 2 days pay...

It's possible someone may use this to ambush a cop. Unlikely, but possible. It's guaranteed people will use this to avoid DUI checkpoints. But hey, keep that narrative going, reason be damned....f the police or something

Y'all know this stock photo is of a Canadian Cop right? RCMP specifically. Come on bruv, at least get something right

Is Star Trek Judgement Rites anything like the Star trek 25th anniversary game?

Yah there’s no violent crime in the UK, and the police definitely don’t have a nanny state with total surveillance.

Yeah the economic stability through the recession was just the worst. It really sucked having job growth
