
Except officer Pantaleo was fired. Not just docked 2 days pay...

It's possible someone may use this to ambush a cop. Unlikely, but possible. It's guaranteed people will use this to avoid DUI checkpoints. But hey, keep that narrative going, reason be damned....f the police or something

Y'all know this stock photo is of a Canadian Cop right? RCMP specifically. Come on bruv, at least get something right

Is Star Trek Judgement Rites anything like the Star trek 25th anniversary game?

Yah there’s no violent crime in the UK, and the police definitely don’t have a nanny state with total surveillance.

Yeah the economic stability through the recession was just the worst. It really sucked having job growth


A cabinet he fired as soon as they stood for the beliefs he pretends to uphold

For those that don’t know why this is a big deal, it’s that he has put himself on a social justice pedestal, and preached equality and progressiveness, and every time his opponent has failed to reach this lofty goal of sainthood in Social Justice, Justin has lambasted them for being racist. All the whole he has fired

I agree with you there, and then it simply becomes a matter of whether or not you think it's okay to instill our beliefs in another country. Do you support a global empire, or let people suffer because they're "not my people". I don't have those answers myself

The young girls that could go learn arithmetic without acid being thrown in their face probably disagree about it being pointless. Coincidentally they can read and write too, so they might even tell you so

Thats my point. Iraq had pretty much nothing to do with 9/11.

You do realize Iraq was invaded 2 years later because it was believed by many that they had WMD’s, and not because of 9/11 right? Like I know ignorance is in excess, but think for a second

He literally had a gun

Yeah that's normal man. I hate people that treat wait staff like shit. I go so far out of my way to be nice to customer service people too. I know they get yelled at because someone in their company fucked up, but it's never their fault

Thats a bizarre correlation I’ve never experienced. I always back in for a few reasons. It’s easier i find. Your pivot point is the first thing in so you can get into a tighter spot with less maneuvering. I also have trouble seeing where I’m backing into better than where I’m backing out of, and honestly it does make

It's hard to blame cops for helping cops. This guy shouldn't be a cop, but his family shouldn't starve either. If people want to give him money, let them. 

Okay, if people stopped giving a shit maybe, but even. Then people would start giving a fuck so quickly I'd be astonished if we ever saw it. It would be as bad as someone talking about criminalizing gay marriage

I should clarify to a degree. No rational leader with any real expectations of winning an election would consider changing abortion laws. No leader will, because it will be suicide to do so. If Harper kicked out MPs for tabling motions, you can rest easy there's no real likelihood of it changing

No, I’m quite certain you need to, because that is literally the law.