
Oh so it's population that increases murders, not guns?

Wait, only 90 people were murdered in Kansas City, vs the 540 in Chicago, and you think the lax gun laws in Missouri are to blame?

Literally the only person who can make Trudeau look "good"

Also really good for people who simply cannot speak period

So I hate to be a buzzkill, and I get that there’s a rebellious streak in all of us, but running from the police is stupid, dangerous, and extremely irresponsible. Even on a scooter, you’re not paying full attention to the surrounding situation, and can easily kill someone.

I freaking hate when people show up unannounced. It’s one of the rudest things you can do. You’re literally saying there is nothing more important the other person could possibly be doing than your recieve your presence.

My dog is terrified of the alarm. When they would test the system at my old place she was upset all night, and then the next day around the time the alarms had gone off the previous day, she got upset again. This is actually a good idea to help her I think

Please quite with the idea that because a coroner determines a death was a homicide that someone should be charged. It weakens your entire stance because a COD is meaningless from a coroner. All it means is the death was caused by a human.

Are there multiple sizes of male crash test dummies?

Is this the 10th murder of a black transgender woman in this county this year, or the 10th in the US this year?

Actually boycotting the store is a supremely stupid idea because it’s not going to hurt the rich retired CEO at all. Any measurable effect will be pushed onto the workers by layoffs if by some chance the boycott was big enough to work (spoiler alert, they never are)

So I’m Canadian and pretty unaware of most US laws, and such. Can someone with genuine knowledge or experience in these matters enlighten me to something?

Its literally the only way.

I have a very large food processor that is annoying as hell to clean and takes up a tonne of space. Might be worth just buying a small one

Would this work if you just whisked really hard instead of blending?

I am supid. People say that about me.

Even when I saw the picture of her I was like wtf, she looks way different than she did when she was a Bond girl

Its been a long, long time since I’ve seen the Little Mermaid, but does her hair colour play a big role? I thought her having red hair was a big deal for some reason. Or was that just all the cosplay?

And that final ride in RDR2. Holy hell was that incredible music

Good advice specifically the “if you’re feeling violent thoughts put the child in the crib and walk away”