
Ill do 15-20 depending. I’ll often look at the difference and say fuckit and go for the 20 (also if you can double a sales tax to get to 18% you can easily drop a decimal point and double to get 20...) But anyways, tipping is a shitty stupid custom, but a lot of places have a lower minimum wage for servers because

Wait are we advocating for the President to interfere in an independent judiciary manner now?

I had super bad acne. Like disfiguring acne.

Can you find any excerpts of explicitly racist posts? From what was posted, there’s not enough to justify doxxing a guy (I think it’s doxxing, I’m not up with the terms), but from is posted here he’s just on some questionable message boards.

The overtime she worked is absolutely important to note.

Someone remake Tie-Fighter

I mean he is a piece of shit, but even pieces of shit deserve their day in court. And I'm actually okay with someone paying his child support, because it means his child is getting what they had coming to him. If someone wants to give up their cash to help a piece of shits kid, all the better for the kid I guess

Thats what I was wondering. This dude has made how much over the years?

Yeah I was a bit too abrupt, my point was that you’re 100% right that eyewitnesses are terrible, but it’s not like 20 people have stepped forward to back it up. I think at this point it’s basically more like an internet argument except instead of “do your research, there’s tonnes of research out there if you just

While yes, that tends to be more in regards to “what colour shirt was he wearing?”, And less this situation. This situation most certainly happened, but it’s less the credibility of eyewitnesses that concerns me, and more their existence or identities. I can say “my girlfriend is real, she just goes to a different

Ill be perfectly honest, I saw an opportunity to say "that cat turned states witness", and went with it. I regret nothing. 

I get that his legal team is doing the thing that they’re paid to, but if he’s guilty, the jig is up. Time to come clean dude. You’re looking like the 8 year old lying to mom about the fine china you broke, and you tried framing the cat, but the cat isn’t having any of your shit, and has turned states witness.

That conversation seems more like the script to a bad porno, than what someone would say after even perfectly consensual sex.

There is no question that this was a joke. If you try and make someone believe you think it was serious, you either think everyone else is stupid, or you are stupid.

Arrests tend to be targeted.

We used lava rock up north when it was environmentally sensitive. It works amazing, great grip, okay melting, but environmentally safe

I don’t believe you can appreciate, or applaud “prison justice” in any circumstances, unless you are willing to be okay with it in every situation. We can’t rightfully as a society be okay with prisoners under the ward of the state to be assaulted in prison. We all deserve to be better than that.

Oh yeah I do recall that now

We have a fairly similar equivalent in our charter, but I don't know that anyone has taken vanity plates to the courts as a matter of freedom of expression

I technically wore blackface once. I was a kid (elementary school age), and wanted to be a dark wizard or some shit, but wanted the face under my hood to be invisible, or shadowed or something (seemed like a good idea). I'm mostly surprised no teachers said anything