
Its just the name of the charge likely. In Canada "rape" doesn't exist in the criminal code. It was changed to "sexual assault" in an attempt to magnify the "assault" aspect to make it sound worse. (Whether or not it did is debatable), but regardless, I'm sure the charge of sexual assault here is equivalent to what we

Likely they want to clarify her condition. I suppose it’s similar, though not entirely comparable to say if your child has autism, and someone said they had down syndrome. You would likely correct them.

Im sure I saw a view from the inside of this. On the bright side, the other trades are going to get some sweet extras for doing the same job twice

The thing the pro lifers dont realize about the whole argument is that pro choices aren’t for killing babies, they’re for agency over self

Broadcasting sucks cause one wrong word and you're on the front page. I would never have thought of making that slip of the tongue, but if I was worried about making it, and it was on my mind, I can see the accident. He apologized, let him get on with it. 

Out of curiosity, what was your favorite part of Gawker, was it the revenge porn publication, the victim shaming of rape victims, or the general lack of integrity?

Then she should donate the earnings.

I knew the rumours about him 15 years ago (okay maybe 10), and I’m as far removed from the scene as one can be.

I mean you’re pretty convinced it wasnt a worker, so okay.

Theres probably something in their employment clause that allows random or justified testing. I'm not saying dont suspect the other patients,  but if you can easily rule out (best case scenario) a huge portion of suspects, then do so.

I dont know the patient situation (are most mobile etc), but if staff is ruled out, then apply for warrants for certain high risk patients. Staff are more likely in my opinion though

This really is one of those situations where personal freedom is trumped by public interest. Test the shit out of every male working there. If I worked there, I’d have gone to the police right away to give my DNA, the rapist that did this,  needs to be incarcerated 

So admittedly I’ve had a few tonight, but I’m confused. It says: “But USDA regulations allow states to waive the requirement in areas with unemployment rates that are at least 20 percent greater than the national rate.

Is any long hair permitted in these matches?

It is exceedingly relevant 

You left out the part where this bank has had 10 instances since July of attempted fraudulent cheque deposits, in which the police were called, and arrests were made.

Because being pregnant does not grant one immunity from the law

Actual corruption is not as rampant as people want you to believe in western democracies. Successful white man is not corruption (despite the SJW narrative). The checks and balances tend to win out when you limit the government. (My provincial legislature is currently indicting 2 officials for suspicious spending)

My wrists do rest on the steering wheel when my arms are straight, and if I floor the brake, my knee is slightly bent.

As I understand it this also has to do with steering wheel size. I dont find it comfortable at 9 and 3 either so my hands tend to be closer to ten and 2, but not quite that high. (If I hold my arms naturally, my hands dont stay straight up and down, they will cant inwards a little bit. Hence why I dont like 9 and 3.