
I too have too wait until I've started a job to get paid

I remember a year or so back, our Prime Minister shoved an MP by accident while he was throwing a tantrum. Everyone was up in arms saying how he should resign, be charged, etc. I remember thinking “okay, yeah he shouldn’t shove people, but this is some over acting “.

This is a pretty stark example of the difference between Canadian and American governments. Even our most right wing leaders (Harper, Scheer, etc), who themselves disagree with abortion, refuse to allow the topic to be raised in the House. MP’s who try and broach the subject are back benched or expelled from the

I had a Bush bar on my truck, and it saved me a costly bill after a stupid mistake.

Are cases in this country assigned by type to different judges?

My local and provincial liquor stores dont have cardamaro.  Is there a substitute youd recommend?

Works great. The cat will adapt.

Im in BC, Canada, and up until very recently your flood insurance here only covered things like water mains breaking, sewers backing up etc, not rising bodies of water. Now some policies do include rising bodies of water, but you have to opt in depending on your provider.

Yeas, same here. Literally she was just used to teach us that people with disabilities were still people. (Not a bad lesson sure, but a waste of a historical figure)

Quit spreading this bullshit.

Does anyone know what that is though?

No I agree it’s not the prisoners problem to figure out, I’m actually asking where they put them

Where do they evacuate prisoners to typically?

Im actually okay with heads of state waiting a week or two to visit disaster areas. The amount of security, and resources to have the president visit a disaster area is immense. Money and resources that can be better spent on saving lives.

This is really common in almost all sports.


Its important to remeber that while they committed unspeakable atrocities, the nazis were human. (Even ignoring the unwilling men forced to fight), the card carrying members, even Hitler was a child at one point. To dehumanize them means we fail to admit that anyone can be corrupted. You teach that they were less

As soon as i saw the headline I knew he was some kind of retired military.

Lol k

Calling out things that aren’t racist as racist is actually hurting any kind of progress.