
No, but don’t mistake my tone for being judgemental or uneducated.

I was thinking that too.

Babel is the one where they all start speaking gibberish.

I grew up on a farm, and learned to drive on an old Chevy Custom Deluxe. (Manual of course) I remember when I was 11 or 12 someone asked me to pull their car forward, and I got in, looked at the pedals, saw there was no clutch, and then went back to ask her how I was supposed to drive it.

And the war crimes episode I speak of is “Duet” S1 E18

The only reason I would say not to start with In The Pale Moonlight is that it so so phenomenal, it’s like a reward after being so invested in the dominion war story arc, it has so much impact.

I’ve been researching Star Trek:DS9 while my gf watches it for the first time, and it’s easy to forget how awful the first episode is. I knew if she had to sit through it she’d never watch another episode. That and the episode where they’re stuck in that board game.

Here’s an uncomfortable truth: the man should have just as much agency over the life of his offspring as his mate

Is there any record of what he said?

Remember how much traction the anti Sopranos movement got?

But fuck Fat Tony, Groundskeeper Willy, Dr. Hibbert, and every other character that plays off their cultural stereotypes.

This is the dark side to medicine. We owe a great deal of modern medical knowledge to sadistic experiments from the 1800's, through ww2, and even into more modern history. It would be irresponsible to ignore it, but reprehensible to forget it.

Confirmed to work in BC, Canada

I spent a year working in northern BC. Our jobsites had us driving some very treacherous roads. During the winter we learned the spots that were most prone to ice up, and hammered into everyone, every morning where to be extra careful. Knowing your route can save your life.

I go to the one in coquitlam (a half hour from Vancouver proper) there’s one or two in Vancouver, and one in Abbotsford. There may be more I don’t know for sure.

In BC (and probably elsewhere) we have a VIP theatre. You pay an extra $10 and you get seat selection, more comfortable seats that recline a little bit, way more leg room, there’s a full service restaurant that you can sit down at before the show, or order your food and alcohol from your seat (They stop running food

Oh fuck off with your manufactured outrage. No one got hurt, these planes are designed for manoeuvres that most planes can’t handle, especially the hard ones, and the pilots are trained as well.

car + Alcohol= A lethal combination

That’s the conversation that’s being had now.

I used to teach first aid, and this was a common question. (In the course I taught it was presumed an aed would be nearby, so we taught the candidates to expose the chest area as soon as it arrived on scene.