
There but for the grace of HIPPA would I relate the tale of one of my patients this year, an easy top quartile in this list.

Size of the artery is the biggest factor. Some of the hardware can be a few millimeters in diameter, and requires vessels the same size. There are no large arteries in the nose, so that wouldn’t be an option. Ability to control bleeding at the access site is also important, which is why legs or arms are preferred over

Hey now, my subscription to Annals of Snake Oil Therapy has resulted in untold* numbers of improved clinical outcomes for patients.

How did I miss that little slip-up. Too busy thinking about the flu? The original fault there is probably Esther’s though.

“ This, according to Ajit Varki and his wife and co-researcher Nissi Varki, is what cause atherosclerosis.”

Really, “an exotic form of thruster propulsion”? Hall effect thrusters have been used since the 70’s, and are common on commercial satellites. I don’t think you can get away with calling them “exotic” anymore.

Certainly would be nice to get around latex allergies in hospitals. It makes all sorts of things more complicated when treating a patient with latex allergies. Although then I’m sure there’d be people who allergies to this plant, and then we’d have to use different gloves for each, or some other ridiculously complex

"2. Any doctor"

These are the best views yet of Nix and Hydra *by the New Horizons spacecraft*. Read your source article again. The 2005 Hubble images were clearer, and did show both moons, so saying these are the first ever images of one of them is completely wrong. Once New Horizons gets closer it will certainly get much better

No, it's about space. Volume fraction, or v/v, is the proportion of the total volume taken up by the fibers, the rest being filled by the soft glue material. In other words, there are a ton of closely packed fibers with just a smear of glue attaching them, rather than a few fibers floating in a sea of goop. Volume

Unfortunately not. The asteroids aren't big enough to give any sort of gravitational boost to a nearby spacecraft. Since they're in free-fall around the sun just like everything else, "riding" them would help either; a spacecraft would go in the same path whether or not the asteroid was there at all, so they don't

Looks gorgeous, will have to check out. Definitely some similarities to James Stokoe of Orc Stain, etc... (which is an excellent thing, I love that style). Nice!

Personal favorite variation on this recipe is from the Smithsonian Museum of American History, of all places. Squash same as above, possibly with some herbs and/or shallots. Cranberry sauce, made fresh (cranberries, water, sugar, boil until the berries burst, strain through mesh), and bacon crumbles. It just works,

So in order to have a credible sub-launched nuclear threat, all NK needs is a sub, a launcher, and nuke? This roughly describes the threat level of my friend's cat, who also hates most Westerners (and most everyone else as well).

If Lockheed's solution had instead been to massively re-engineer the entire cooling system for the aircraft, which given how central it is would likely have required months-years and a billion plus in R&D, I imagine your response would have been even more scathing, asking why they hadn't taken the "obvious" solution

Now playing

Looks like it relies on the same principles (if a little fancier) than astronaut Don Pettit's coffee cup design from 2008 here

Yes. It's also being used without permission of the rights holder of the photo, who's pointed this out on Twitter.

Another sterling entry in the grand tradition of Japanese construction/engineering firms proposing ridiculous projects they have no intention of actually completing for the sake of publicity. These are the same guys who proposed a massive 1M person pyramid arcology in Tokyo Bay a while back.

The Monterey Bay Aquarium has an excellent guide for which seafood populations are sustainable, and which are threatened. For albacore (which is a species of tuna) it really comes down to where it was caught (there are many non-threatened populations) and how it was fished (lots of by-catch, or little). Their guide