
It is. That's called Peritoneal Dialysis, as opposed to Hemodialysis, where they actually take out and filter the blood. Both are advantages/disadvantages, etc.... Both are still very much in use.

"Esters are combinations of organic and inorganic chemicals that form strongly fragrant compounds."

It's also an excellent lesson on what can happen when you rush your results to the public eye to try and beat your collaborators/competitors. From what I read the BICEP-2 team knew the Planck data was coming out, knew it might have an effect, but chose to rush their own results based on a photo someone took of a

The Global Hawk does indeed lack ice/lightning/bird protection + due regard radar, which pretty severely limits its functionality, and is one of the big reasons why the Air Force is still reliant on the U2. Now, one might think that some of those developments could make their way back onto the basic Global Hawk

What is this "thermal water" of which you speak? Is it a magical substance different from regular water?

If the primary advantage of the program over the U2 is the development of future advances, couldn't that just as easily be accomplished with a much smaller force? Block sizes of 2-5 aircraft over 10-20 admittedly wouldn't decrease the R&D expenditures, and you don't mention what the fly-away plus ground systems cost

If I'm going to have one set of knives for 25 years (which I already own, but w/e), I want them to be as comfortable in my hands as possible. These look downright painful if you use them for more than a few minutes at a time. I think I'll stick with my Wustof knives.

"If writers on sites like these weren't environmentalist nut jobs, they'd take five seconds to go find out about what the natural habitat actually is, and find out that human efforts to eliminate all wildfires actually screw up the natural habitat that species like this evolved to live in."

Impressive stuff. The closest I've been on would be a big Habitat for Humanity build, but I've certainly never done one with a) that many people or B) where everyone knew what they were doing so well. Although starting with the foundations in place (while totally necessary) does feel a bit like cheating.

I'm sure these efforts were in no way hampered by Republicans using volcano monitoring as the butt (butte?) of jokes about "wasteful government spending" either. Sigh.

Etorphine is a) not legal for use in humans in most countries, and b) primarily appears to be used for immobilizing large animals, rather than for analgesic purposes. Both of those would disqualify it from being "our strongest legitimate painkiller", whereas fentanyl et al satisfy both. Which rather makes your attempt

The strongest "painkiller" in clinical use would be fentanyl and its family, which, while opiates, are synthetic rather than derived from poppies. Not to say that synthetic morphine, etc... wouldn't be useful, and the molecular biology behind getting it all done in a single yeast cell looks fascinating, but that is

Given the number of articles you've posted on the subject, I can only assume you're intentionally ignoring the purpose of certification tests. In which case, why? Do you have a quota of articles ragging on various programs, and were looking short for August?

Dang but there are a ton of factual errors in this post. Where's that Giz fact-checking sub-blog that was supposed to be out and about. A quick 5-min list

So they want to make something relatively large, without complex, intricate shapes, and they want to make lots of copies of the exact same thing. All of those are the exact opposite of what 3D printing is useful for. That right there is enough to disqualify this as something useful, and puts it firmly in the realm of

Somewhere between -6.0% and -2.6% broken, according to Blizzard.

This is the European ATV program's last mission, not the last one for Orbital's Cygnus vehicle.

While this is technically the first time patients infected with Ebola have come to the US, there was a case a few years ago of the very closely related Marburg virus a few years in Colorado. The patient went into some cave is Uganda, caught the virus there (presumably from contact with bat feces), and was back in the

Stick one of the guys that heals to full health every turn, then buff its health and give it taunt. AI has no way to kill it. Worked for me first try.

Usually bits of pumice stone. Totally natural. Unless you've got some crazy toothpaste, in which case good luck?