
Please don’t encourage trolls.

I think Jerry Seinfeld got the message to stop bombing Gaza, as zero deaths there have been attributed to him there in the last 72 hours.

You want to know how you can tell that these college demonstrations are purely performative?

Someone doesn’t understand corporate agency or entities.

Yes, Apple still exists as an entity. Its past deeds still belong to it. 

So I totally get it if you don’t like his shtick or whatever. Not everybody likes the same thing and that is fine. But the idea that he is not likeable in general is silly. His whole hugely successful career is based on his likability, and his IS still hugely popular and followed. Sure, his recent relationship issues

The engineer told him the frunk increases in pressure every single time it closes and detects resistance, Judkins said. It’s going to assume you want to close the frunk and maybe something like a bag is getting in the way, which would make it close harder.”

I generally don’t see the point of criticizing criticism, but “thing wasn’t what I personally expected it to be” isn’t a critique so much as a kneejerk reaction. It’s something a good critic accepts and interrogates before subsequently writing something more thoughtful. “Why were my expectations so misaligned?” “Did

What a bizarre critique. The special was funny;  like, really fucking funny. He revealed as much as he needed to in order to make the jokes work. Not every special needs to be doing some sort of Hannah Gadsby style confession.

The Elephant Man thing was a really, really long walk to get basically nowhere. Dropping in an anachronism is not inherently funny, and the fact it wasn’t even explained made it worse.

JK Rowling isn’t behind on this issue, she’s ahead. The NHS has stated biological sex is real, experimental treatments being carried out on children are being rolled back throughout Europe due to the fact there’s no evidence supporting it, and sporting bodies continue to pull away from allowing males into female

does the marketing machine not understand that bob odenkirk is a huge star? obviously cross has always been a little niche, but i’m a little surprised odenkirk’s name doesn’t get it past the goalie.

This is wildly inaccurate and incredibly stupid

Misogynist troll💩, HP only exists because of his feminist creator, who took issue with “people who menstruate” & wrote that she wants trans to be safe & live their best lives. Her non-existent “transphobia” has been repeatedly repudiated by those who can actually READ.

The reality that a lot of terminally online far-left people don’t want to face is that the majority of the population does not consider anything JK Rowling has said to be transphobic or bigoted. Most people agree with her views. The majority of people do not think trans women should be competing in women’s sports

I get that this point is purely about sticking it to trans people, but even if she wasn’t a shitheel this comment would be such peak millenial brainrot. Yes, the baby wizard books lady is the greatest author of our generation because it was the only long book you, personally, have ever bothered to finish.

Transvestites killed by the Nazis were all either gay or Jewish. The idea that people were targetted for being trans in the modern sense when the concept was unheard of at the time is ridiculous.

I follow a Twitter account that details the life of one Jewish holocaust victim each day. It will take 16 thousand years for them to list them all. A similar account documenting trans victims of the Nazis would be finished by Tuesday.

And Hogwarts Legacy was the best selling game of 2023 despite all the internet crybullies demanding a boycott. NORMAL PEOPLE DON’T CARE ABOUT ROWLING’S POLITICS.

“The Movie Critic was reportedly set to reteam Tarantino and Brad Pitt, who previously won an Academy Award for playing a stuntman who is as real as a donut, and surprisingly, he was going to reprise the role.”

Was this written by AI or are you just that bad at writing?