
Show me that the middle class is shrinking at all.  It’s certainly nowhere close to disappearing.  

This is a much more balanced take on the issue than the article. Can’t we just acknowledge that the gig economy creates a new set of challenges to the established legal definitions of employees and contractors?

Counterpoint: This doesn’t mean anything. It’s a human being who willfully took a job for agreed upon compensation, and then when the pros and cons of employment tilted in the other direction the guy decided not to do the job anymore.

Its "motherfucker".  One word.

I don’t have time to verify this crap, but here’s a 5-year old piece on just how awful Fenech is:

The difference between a tractor and a mower is that a tractor is used in a field while a mower is used on a lawn.  “Lawn tractor” is strictly used to make suburban middle-aged men feel less like a pussy.

This is absolutely terrifying. If you’ve ever driven one of these styles of tractors stock and had the opportunity to open it up on a highway while driving between fields, you’ll know that 20 mph feels like Mach 3.  You can barely control them.  The shocks have you bouncing everywhere and the steering is awful.  

But what is the person making a stand for? 5 or 10 or 15 years ago, most people were delighted by the innovation Amazon brought to the world. There’s no point where simply the size of the company makes it immoral and evil. At least from my point of view, Amazon is continuing to do the same things it has done its

Indentured servants can’t go take a different job.  The answer to all of these supposed problems is for people to take the best job for their skillset and lifestyle.  If there’s a better paying (or better in other ways) job out there and enough employees leave, I’m certain Amazon will raise wages (and/or make other

There is no single number that perfectly captures a business. The revenue metric is just another metric, and it’s not a bad metric to look at when trying to answer whether there is sufficient demand for your product.

One point missing from your comment is that refs are quite often arrogant, egotistical jackasses. I’m sure that’s not you, based on your reasoned and even-keeled response to an article that wasn’t aimed at you at all.

There is absolutely no part of Illinois in the upper midwest.  Their application was rejected.

This really is a tough social issue. I don’t agree with Lauren’s argument here, which is that trans athletes lose sometimes so no one should feel like it’s unfair when they win.

Hi Abatnia, I guess I’m responding more to your approach. The way I read your comment, you’re assuming bad intent from the author. If you want to be passionate about educating people about the history of the phrase ‘eskimo’ or whatever made you go off, then, ya know, do yer thing. (I didn’t even see the version of the

Somehow I ended up on this article and upon reaching the end I thought to myself “nice, a jezebel article not taking itself too seriously”.....and then I read the first comment.  That’s more like what I was expecting.  Never change, Abatnia.  

If we’re judging whether this specific video is “true”, then it’s easy to say this video isn’t that. The problem is drawing the line. What else isn’t “true”? Who gets to decide?

Counterpoint:  If there’s some elite group of people deciding what is “true” and what people should know or not know, we would then be entering into an extremely dark time.  Freedom of speech is a powerful antidote to dictators, despite what today’s left wants you to believe.  

I am part of the Forrester 3% club. It’s not fun to drive by any stretch, but it does keep me more entertained / occupied. I like manuals.

2 thoughts on your post:

Let’s at least make this a symmetrical criticism of demographics - if ESPN is keeping “old whites” happy, it is at the cost of making “young, naive, pitch fork wielding, smug, social justice whites” unhappy.