
I have all sorts of skepticism about Sano’s maturity and absolutely no reason to assume he has a sense of morality or ethics. But you can’t just punish / convict someone based on nothing more than an accusation. If Deadspin wants to do something productive, get out there and try investigating it independently instead

I’m really skeptical of autonomous technology and agree with all the disappointment that a sensor couldn’t prevent this tragedy. That being said, uh, it’s actually more disappointing that the victim didn’t SEE THE CAR THAT HIT HER. Look both ways and shit.

Your original post makes a lot of sense. You should’ve stopped there.

Maybe those people shouldn’t buy a new car.

“Most charity will have some sort of bias, whether it’s geographical, religious, racist, sexist whatever. A tax break has none of those biases.”

This is incoherent. Give money to any charity you want.

Give your $150 to a charity. You’ll administer that money better than Congress.

I’m relatively new to regular Jalopnik reading. One thing I really appreciate is most of the articles lack the massive injection of liberal political perspective......and then I clicked on this article.

Would it be just as informative to get a daily text saying “never forget that you are poor”? ;-) I say this playfully. My original post was borne from having recently refinancing 6 figures of student loans......when I refinanced my monthly payment moved from the second half of the month to the first half. So now my

I feel when I read this. Without a sense of upcoming expenses and paychecks, how useful is a daily balance update?

Wait, I thought it was Deadspin’s position that the NCAA system is horrific and unjust and evil at its core. The system is most likely to be changed only once it has truly failed......these investigations help demonstrate the failings. If you guys had the source you would make the same argument and post the

IDK, but doesn’t Joe Rogan have a big problem and proposed solution to the dangerous weight cutting practices? I don’t know the details, but let’s just do what Joe says.

Ah, to be young! The “ethics” require that money not influence decisions within the realm of reasonable judgment! Do you still put your baby teeth under your pillow when they come out?

I was referring to the national flags.

Soooooo......what about all them there flags?

I mean, he looks like he’d do those things. I’m pretty comfortable with a public hanging. Where’s the rope?

Maybe the free agents should think about signing.

This is certainly not how to have an enjoyable Ice Fishing experience. You need a heated shack with DirecTV and an ice fishing fish finder. And far more beer and snacks. All the beer and snacks.

There’s a lot of confusion here worth unpacking.