
That's why the process of voir dire lets both sides weed out the bad apples. You can't really complain after the fact when both the defense and the prosecution approved the person beforehand.

If you were on jury duty, you'd really prefer to be sequestered for the length of the case (weeks or months) instead of being trusted to do the right thing? I recognize that not everyone will do the right thing, but I'd rather not be sequestered.

My ass is very intelligent, thank you very much.

That's why both the prosecution and the defense have to approve each juror during voir dire. No one can complain about the jury if both sides agree about each person who's on it.

The idea is that it's a jury of one's peers. That means that it's not a group of people on a government payroll, it's literally chosen at random from the population (at least those who have driver's licenses). There's no perfect system, but this one allows for the least corruption, and that's what the founding fathers

My dad works for a large international corporation, and their online systems aren't compatible with anything newer than IE 6. I tried updating him to FF a few months ago and he couldn't access anything anymore. His group policy doesn't allow him to update IE, so he's stuck with IE 6. It's rather ridiculous.

Yes, he uses himself as an example, but that is an accepted form of evidence when writing something of this nature. After he uses himself as an example, all of his wording becomes much more general.

I think it's fair to say that a massive amount of people found out about this news via the internet. I always keep up on the news, but I do it via the internet, not TV or radio. Why watch TV when I have Netflix and Hulu, and why listen to the radio with Pandora and Spotify? This is the point Baldwin is trying to

The EAS system does not send you an email. How would it?

While I completely agree that tags would perhaps be a better term, it's still fair to say that, for the purposes of email providers, labels are essentially folders—they're just better folders.

Does it make any sense at all for Apple to include Thunderbolt ports when there were zero devices on the market that used them? No. The fact that they didn't upgrade the 4S to LTE is a major problem, especially because the infrastructure already exists for it.

It's still 32-bit, unfortunately. The process is still a 32-bit process as well.

The 64-bit installer is definitely 10.5. I'm installing it now, and the version number is x64.

It's rather obnoxious how few commenters can comprehend humor. I understand that it may not be the funniest thing in the world, but seriously? Get a life, people.

I'm glad you understand humor.

DirtyShisno is referencing the documented and proven fact that Apple Photoshopped official court documents to make it look like the Galaxy Tab's design was swiped from the iPad. They did this not once, but twice.

personell —> personnel

Is there any reason that you guys need to jump all over him for his opinion? You guys are being a little ridiculous, in my opinion.

This seems like it's being built solely for a tablet. Will this design be the design even for desktops and laptops? I don't want to give up my current desktop style in favor of these tiles; I don't much care for the them.

I was just told this by a friend of mine: