My question is: will Nintendo be smart enough to make GBA games as part of their online service and put the Metroid remake and Fusion on there?
My question is: will Nintendo be smart enough to make GBA games as part of their online service and put the Metroid remake and Fusion on there?
You are conflating two people. The director also directed Crazy Rich Asians, LMM had nothing to do with it.
Not all heroes wear capes
Not all heroes wear capes
I assumed the entire game that they will be doing a Chris campaign as DLC. He was on the ground the entire game doing... something?
You are obviously deeper into the lore than I am at this point, but it is more about what they haven’t shown. They haven’t shown any gameplay demo and have had soooooo much turmoil at the top, further, that was some of the worst expository dialogue I have ever heard to hand wave an incredibly important and central…
I legitimately didn't think Halo single player could get worse than 5, but this is definitely going to be terribad. On the other hand, that multiplayer looks amazing.
FH dev is working on Fable. Do they have two teams?
Deathloop is a PS5 timed exclusive, I highly doubt it will be part of the Game Pass presentation.
Shadow of Mordor for the 360/PS3 were released two months after their next-gen siblings.
Lolololololololol. Okay dude. Or, you could, idk, Google what I am referencing, but I doubt you need to.
It was a pretty big controversy when it happened, I assumed most people reading this article would remember it, and I'm sure Like did too, but that may have been a poor assumption.
You sure showed Luke by buying a shitty version of a game you like.
That is how I felt. I was working on 100%ing it, but about 2/3rds into it the grind broke me and I just finished the game.
Lolz, read a book my dude!
Who or what is being cancelled?
Yep, the fact that they claim the game is incredibly historically accurate, use that fact to exclude women and persons of color, and when people point out that both persons of color and women existed at the time, the devs decided that the historical records were spotty at best (but apparently magical potions to save…
Thank you, I swear, either Kotaku's readership is a changing demographic, or they have the memory of a goldfish. This game sold well for one reason: controversy.
Those people are also *REALLY* into white robes and hoods.
Buying a Switch, a $60 shitty port, and tweeting about it like it is the greatest experience ever to own the libs.