“Look at the new Saints Row in action!”
“Look at the new Saints Row in action!”
As it was when he was initially banned, if his reason for being banned is so benign and Twitch was acting in such bad faith, all he has to do is provide the receipts he claims to have.
The thing that pisses me off the most is that the second thing DIDN’T keep him banned. I’m fairly certain whatever he did that got him permanently banned wasn’t anywhere near as bad, but was just the final straw for Twitch.
But he also argues that he’s having trouble getting major sponsors, given the first thing everyone knows about him is that he was banned for unknown reasons.
She sounds awful, and most of that stuff would cause me to not want to watch her in anything.
But I don’t understand why the vaccination stuff always leads these articles about her except that its attention grabbing given the state of the world. “She once had a frivolous view of vaccines but changed her mind.” Why is…
I wish I had the 12 minutes I spent reading this piece back.
Its really not that terrible, especially if you have game pass. Give it a try, its a few hours of fun.
This review is proof that spoilers are actually good.
Jesus. I remember watching the reveal trailer and thinking “oh so its a mystery game where you have 12 minutes before someone comes in and you get killed kinda like an escape room”. Yeah no I was WAY off the mark.
Important lesson about Trump’s popularity: It isn’t based on what he thought, said or believed, it was based solely because he told ignorant racist bigots what they wanted to hear. The second he stops telling him that, they’ll turn on him.
You’re right. That man who lives across the street should have instituted some policies instead performing a stupid act of kindness.
You know this was Edmonton, Canada, right? But thanks for your contribution to the “no good deed goes unpunished” fund.
As i was reading I was thinking about the exceptions - before I got to the charts - like here in MD. We have a GOP governor but a Dem state house. Conversely, states like Michigan, NC and Kentucky are opposite us with Dem governors and GOP-led state houses - which probably accounts for the “9 out of 10" type…
Since we’re on the topic of shit I’m not here for, people who have the fucking nerve to have GoFundMe pages to raise money to take care of children that parents couldn’t be arsed to get vaccinated to live to raise need to stop. I don’t want to see on more motherfucker having the gall to beg for money to pay expenses…
Trick question, she’s already dead inside.
At this point they are so dedicated to their death cult that I just agree with them. Go ahead and ban vaccine passports, vaccine mandates and mask mandates in your schools. Load up on hydroxychloroquine. Hell, take double the amount! Triple it!
Guys I’m losing it. I’m just done. What little patience I had is burnt out. I am terrified one of these anti-maskers or whatever is going to get in my face and I’m just gonna snap and curb stomp them. This pandemic is ruining my life, my family’s life, all our lives, and it’s their fault. For the most stupid fucking…