

Well, the Citadel allowed the surprise attack and to decapitate the galaxy government, but also gave them encyclopedic knowledge of all races and locations. You would think the Reapers would be flying (somewhat) blind without it.

I guess I am incredibly confused why they just didn't go directly to the Citadel when they could. That strategy worked for what? Hundreds of millions, billions of years. And then, the first time something has gone wrong and they completely abandon their well worn strategy.

Counter-point: Liara's existence is disclosed as soon as you get a ship, her joining the team is the spoiler. Therefore, this random Salarian that I haven't noticed in literally 15 playthroughs is a bigger spoiler.

I mean, is it that massive of an undertaking? That was the 2nd asteroid weaponized as a planet killer in as many games (DLC). And if the Reapers took notice, they didn't act that way. If, let's say Alliance accepts it is going to lose a lot of people anyway, couldn't they in 6 months rig an asteroid to go boom on the

My understanding was that without the Alpha rely the Reapers were going directly to Earth.

I fucking LOVED Heavy Rain, until the end. I correctly figured out who the killer was, but they had you play a section where you played as the (real) killer interacting with a (fake) killer. It was designed solely to keep you from figuring out the mystery but made no sense with the plot. Anyway, it pissed me off so

I mean, it is pretty funny.

Hhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. As Jason is prone to say, most of the time a delay just means a prolonged crunch.

I beat ME1 over a dozen of times. I beat ME2 twice and ME3 once. While I initially loved going back to ME1 with a lot of QoL improvements, about 10 hours in I got burnt out with how empty the world is and how the game needlessly makes it tedious to use your powers.

You are literally making things up. Good job!

Lolol. Dude, you have no idea what you are talking about. Ubisoft (previously) and CoD games are annualized because different studios take turns, so each game still has a 4 year development cycle. While it was certainly possible to turn a GoW sequel around in 3 years, it becomes increasingly unlikely when you take

That isn’t gaslighting, that is exactly what happened. MS would announce games coming out that year, Sony would announce games coming out in a year* and use the hype to “win E3.” It only started to bite them in the ass when they kept showing Ghosts of Tsushima and Last of Us 2 for something like 6 years straight.

Wait until you find out about development in the HD era.

They are 100% holding back for E3.

To anyone born within the last 10 years, a market without Steam is unthinkable.”

Well that explains a lot.

Lol, standard game prices changed to $60 16 years ago (and somewhat again last year). Not everything is class warfare, but if $10 is a big deal to you then it is irresponsible to get into a hobby with a minimum barrier of entry of $300.

If $10 is a lot for you then video games shouldn't be your hobby.

This isn’t the first time Sony has done this. A 14 minute demo in the middle of the show is a real momentum killer. You do the big gameplay demo before the show and you get the hardcore people’s attention, they don’t get mad at a smaller presence of the tent-pole game at the press conference, and casual people don’t