
I'm not sure inviting the comparison between real sports and esports will lead to the conclusion you are hoping for. 

They've never revisited Cell (outside of a filler episode). I would like alternate reality Cell threatening everyone.

None of what you said is true.

She's really not. The trial is about Apple and Epic. She is a third party witness whose testimony is just as valid for the purposes of a peripheral detail (and likely why the court didn't require MS to produce the documents Apple wanted in the first place).

Hell yeah. I could never crack the Yakuza combat (even went back to an older game after 7) but absolutely fell in love with 7 and played it non-stop for weeks. I know some purists are upset, but having parallel game series with the two different styles is a great compromise.

Yes, because everyone knows that Microsoft made major inroads with their PC store because of how competent it was. No one is buying a game from a digital storefront based upon its UI.

I have no idea if loot boxes are new to the create a player mode but the way the progression system works is the most you can max your stats out naturally is 50/100 for every category. To get higher stats you have to get equipment and perks (equipment is nothing but positive attributes, perks give you positive

Intro: They are just as much the default as the white men they replace.

When I saw this listed on Game Pass I became incredibly interested, but then I saw the devs say it is intended as a squad shooter, so my interest immediately dried up. Thank you for posting this, I may jump off the incredibly buggy The Show 21 in favor of this dino shooter now.

The article hits on this, but I think it needs to be shouted from the rooftops. What the Bishops think they are voting on is condemning all politicians, who are simply not anti-abortion to the rest of the world, to an eternity in hell.

Tell that to Xerox and Q-Tip

The reason why Chauvin’s previous bad behavior was kept out was because it was inadmissible character evidence. Now, if his defense tried to argue that he had never done this type of thing before then it would be fair game.

Lol, what?

Why do you assume Nintendo has any control over Universal?

MK (reboot), MKX, and MKXI all had an excellent plot.

This bill is "to protect women" yet how many of these chuds think Deshaun Watson's accusers are liars?

The judge said the opposite, that it had no effect on the jury, but was overly critical of Maxine.

Justice=\=Undoing things. George should be alive right now. He’s not because of one person’s grossly abhorrent behavior. That person has now been prosecuted to the full extent of the law and found guilty by a jury of his peers. That is justice. To minimize that, especially when it is a white cop found guilty of a