
Why, then, aren’t you presented with each of the topping options the store has?

I’d like a Whopper please.

Would you like lettuce, tomato, onions, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, cheese, bacon, and /or bbq sauce on that?

At what arbitrary line does offering all the options stop?

Because the are conveniently located, fast, reasonably cheap, open until the wee hours of the night, and provide sustenance.  All that combined makes them an excellent choice when I don’t feel like making my own food.


Not just the Navy, lady.

What the fuck is a hob?

I’ve been cooking for 24 years. I have a degree in culinary arts. I have never even heard of a hob. Are you just talking about putting it on a shelf over the stove?

Your reading comprehension and conversation tracking are unparalleled. However, you are oddly aggressive in your statement concurring with the point of my posed questions. It is the company, BK in this case, that dictates their own standard. Therefore, Glen and Click 2 have no place in questioning the business

Read the comment thread homie. This response is part of a developed conversation, not directly in response to the article.


Which is exactly why they present the other options to you. You are already ordering the standard, which in this case is a small. Therefore, to ensure the customer knows all the options available to them, the store identifies those options.

“because only offering up-sale options vocally is akin to false advertising,”

I think it’s brave of you admitting so openly that you are an idiot.

What do you mean they’re selling it to you, aren’t you the one buying it?

Dude, if telling someone what food you want is too difficult you probably shouldn’t be operating a motor vehicle. And if you need help understanding options, just ask.  “I’m sorry sir, I’m not from around here and I don’t quite understand how this works.  What are all of my options regarding the food here?”  They

This picture of some random menu in Tennessee disagrees with you.

It’s right there on the top, and it says that medium and large are additional cost.

And for anyone who thinks “small” isn’t on the menu, this first picture on Google images disagrees.

Avoiding rosemary and using the correct amount are two very different things.

If i were to go up to this guy and ask him “Do you want a punch to the trhoat or a slap to the face?”  Is he actually gonna pick one of those two options rather than say something lke “I don’t want either of those.  Please provide me with a handshake instead.”

Is it really a trick though, when you can just read the menu board to identify the options?

Why does Click 2, or anybody, get to dictate a companies default offering? Why should the default be a small instead of a large? Or a large instead of a medium? By what metrics are these second and third party organizations going by to determine the behavior of a company?