
What does VAR mean?

Them's the kinda folk I'd like to have as a neighbor. 

Sounds like more gay Mexican women need to be forced into the beer brewing industry.

Just switch to a 24-hour clock and get rid of am/pm.

Doesn’t matter, she’s punching up since he is a man.

I love abortions.

Don’t want to get sued = don’t do stuff that pisses people off

71 Mass shootings during Obama’s reign.

That’s easy.  Charge more for tickets and merchandise.

Heh, idiot bait.

There are also no black saviors.

Does an italian descendant of WW2 refugees owe reparations?

What specific tangible thing does a reparations supporter want right now?

Do you make your great great great grand kids clean it up?

Kill some Jews.

If you don’t want someone tailgating you:

What happens in the other direction?

Are you saying rats are good because of poor people?
I’m not sure about why you are mad about anybody trying to get rid of rats.

When else would you eat other than when you want to?

It may be easier to just make every individual user regulate their own production and consumption of material and information.