
If nobody thought she was worth the $30 alive, why worry about her now that she’s dead?

That’s what she was most known for. That’s how obituaries work.

Just that easy huh? “Educate them.”

Got a plan on how to do that?
Not just the logistics of education, but how to appeal to the motivations of people who already chose the course in life?

Okay, so.
What do you recommend we do with those 70000 people?

How do you recommend fueling warmth for the most most northern and southern communities across the planet? (Above and below 50 degrees latitude.)

What do you propose we do with the hundreds of thousands of coal industry employees around the world?

Why is an employer responsible for investigating possible criminal activity of one of its employees?

I failed my first polygraph not because I was lying, but because in the words of the examiner “You keep breathing wrong.”

Sounds like these people have two options.

The more valuable you are, the cheaper 

I don’t understand any of the arguments against Amazon.

What opportunity do you not have?

Indeed, it is a thrill a minute.

It’s almost like they are trying to capitalize on opportunity available to them.  How dare they!?

So, what exactly do you want?

Move to their districts.

It’s like you people don’t understand that Representatives are elected by their districts and not by the internet.

Here’s a novel concept I’ve been working on.

They should:

You don’t count if you live in Arizona.

Here are the answers to your quiz.

It’s almost like these people were raised by people other than those who raised me, have had different life experiences, have concerns other than those that are mine, are from different place, and are people entirely different than me.