
Sounds to me these billionaires’ families need to foot the bill for this SnR service

If we are going to have multitudes of articles about a deep sea submersible and related items, then surely we can discuss an actual boat as well?

So a fishing trawler isnt a vehicle? Thank you for clarifying that a fucking tube with pvc piping for ballast is DEFINITELY a vehicle and a 50ft fishing trawler isnt.

how are the 400 women and children locked in the bowls of a capsized trawler the greek coast guard likely caused doing again? Who give a fiddlers fuck over the 5 darwin award recipients time of death. 

This is not at all like your Brooklyn example. In fact - it’s quite the opposite. You’re the one choosing to take a flight where you know infants will be present and then asking the them to adapt to your delicate sensitivities.  

I mean - if you don’t like kids so much, you can also choose not to fly.  If you drive yourself, you’ll be free of the issue.

That doesn’t bother me as much as the people who open their window shade during “night time” on the flight that is going over the pole where the sun is still up.

Counterpoint: why do I have to give up my very limited footroom with my backpack because everyone feels the need to carry on these MONSTER roller bags?  Gate check the damn thing, it’s usually free.

One in front of the other. 

Don’t crowd the baggage claim carousel! I know you’re eager to get your luggage - we all are. But crowding the carousel only makes it harder for the rest of us to spot our bag, only to have to push and shove our way through to actually get it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, this is exactly the kind of informative, interesting and humane coverage I visit Jalopnik every morning for.

Tangentially related: I don’t know if anybody other than me is watching the Fox sitcom, Animal Control, but it is worth it just to hear Joel McHale say “I took Spanish in community college.”

you can’t say ‘stand by me meets the goonies’ that’s the same thing. that’s like saying ‘dante’s peak meets volcano’

I really, really, really hope that they don’t give in to the impulse to make the supernatural elements real. I will be far less compelled if it turns out to be a literal supernatural force that made them do things in the woods rather than a metaphor.

This episode had the series feeling like “True Blood” to me, and I do not mean that as a compliment. Some really silly and contrived stuff along with boring filler and a few taboo moments, carried by a stellar cast. I mostly liked S1 but with S2 the show already feels like it’s spread too thin.

I don’t think the issue with Lucas was too much or too little energy; the issue was he brought precisely the same energy as Fielding, so the show doubled down on the weirdness.

Killing her character off on Animal Kingdom was a sufficiently crazy thing to do that it calls the judgement of the dudes making it into question beyond anything else 

This is a much better review than the AVC review. Kudos. 

Wow I didn’t even read the review this time but as I scrolled passed it the whole thing just looks like a short story. Is there any critique in there or is the assignment just to retell the entire episode within a specific word count? It’s training me to just come to the bottom to see what the community is saying

No this is absolute bullshit