Icecreamdreamin Cupcakes for Breakfast...Yikes.

I could make a list.

Finally listened to LWYMMD from beginning to end on the car radio yesterday (I’ve been actively avoiding it). Jeez. What a terrible terrible song. Aside from being musically bad (like really bad), the content is reprehensible. Why does she make herself a victim? She lied and tried to use her white girl-ness to bury

I like that her threat is litigation, too. It’s almost a combo multiplier

Dear fellow white Jezebel readers: We are all at least partly Beckys. It is not The Root’s job to help us deal with that. Please take yourself less seriously.

They run to every time. Must be sweet. Or savory. Some people prefer savory.


Also it doesn’t help that they seem to be greying or banning WOC lately. Therefore, when you go into the comments, there are so many that are like, “I know I’m a white woman, but I don’t see the problem with this” and just a bunch of “yes ands” added onto that. They act all strong and wrong over there and try to come

But it doesn’t matter if you don’t do anything wrong Hachi, daring to speak at all is enough for them.

You could dedicate an entire year of Clapback material to the grey comments in Monique’s articles. God forbid she enjoy herself.

Don’t talk about things of which you’re completely ignorant. It’s unbecoming.

Right? All the nopes.

There’s never enough Zoidberg on this site.

I am not clicking that video.

So he definitely murdered her.

There is an outstanding artist by the name of Neko Case- whom Miley Cyrus seems to have taken a shit ton of “inspiration” from in this most recent release.

I know pop music has always been kind of similar, but it is amazing how little variation there is today. Pop, dance music (oh I’m sorry, I meant EDM *vomits in lap*), country, it’s all the same.

To each their own. I think they rocked it.

“I also think we should examine why, though. Otherwise, we’re just knocking down something for badness without learning ourselves from it”