Icecreamdreamin Cupcakes for Breakfast...Yikes.

Now all I can think of is what happens if your crotch jewelry tangles with a tampon string. It’’s not pretty. It can’t be!

I remember the day when young women didn’t let their tampon strings hang out there for all to see... *clutches pearls*

It took me a while to figure out who she is, but you might recall her earlier work:

hello! i see someone isn’t skipping chest day!

She’s like Angelina Jolie and Rebecca Romijn were genetically spliced together.

Who is that very angular woman over Amy’s right shoulder?

I gotta remember that you can find ANYTHING on the internet simply by typing in the words.

They are going to look aryan with a pinch of racist.

Can we stop with the constant stream of “the world is awful” articles? They’re not even about anything in particular, just about how much the author think the world is shit. Yes, we get it, there are shitty things out there, can we maybe not depress the snot out of everyone further? Some of us are trying to keep our

Well of course it will be great in 2118. The Jetsons are white.

goddamn you white snowflakes whine about everything

It’s not reasonable if they want anyone from the working class to attend


So how long until the replies from those who think they’re the exception to the Ally rule start pouring in?

Can you imagine if this was BLM or Standing Rock literally pushing and trying to physically fight riot cops?

Yes especially given the history of white violence against Black Churches and congregations in this country. This seems like intimidation not exercise of speech though I’m not sure what actual degree of legal proof is required.

The fuck? Honestly, this is why progressive white folk is still suspect to me.

Seems important enough for Jez to follow suit. WhiteFeminismTM is a recurring critique of this site, and the silence so far probably doesn’t do anything to assuage people of that notion.