Icecreamdreamin Cupcakes for Breakfast...Yikes.

Today my grandmother Mildred would have been 98, she died last year. G-Ma taught me and my sisters how to be a strong, intelligent and graceful Indigenous American women and showed me the world. G-Ma took me to my first trip overseas (freakin Egypt and UK) when I was a dumb ass 14 year old and (always) had my back

I swear to God Hollywood and American pop culture in general stay clowning us. Sooo many important roles going to Africans and Brits. Like we don’t work for it as well. Like really, MLK not played by one of us? Come the fuck on. It’s so obvious what is happening and just exhausting. Wtf we create so much culture for

But I love switching up with quick snatch and a few extensions, can I live?

How. Fucking. Morbid. 

We know how they do, it's some bullshit. Question: why is this not shared on Jez?  

I feel you, but let’s keep this sacred space, it gets hella how can I say...cranky(?) over there, let’s have this.

One question: Is you Quentin, cause your brainstorming is just *muah* magnfiq? One more question: If not who’s gonna write it?

Drake’s Fucking clueless. He is an actor who doesn’t write his own work but claims to, and the whole ghetto posturing is rediculous. Dude, you were on Degrassy. He got caught and now is humbled. I still like hotline bling thoooo.

If they don’t know now I’m not sure they can be taught in 23 minutes. It’s not our job to teach.

“Don’t touch my hair” *Solange Voice

My. Jaw. Is. On. The. Fucking. Floor. Woah, what the actual fuck.


Something tells me you’re not a boring mom. God bless you, and long live the Midwest!

Slavery wasn’t the same as the holocaust. Abortion is literally a choice women make, for better or worse. I don’t trust these politicians they have proven to be the worst, but fuck it, pour one out for the lost ones.

Oh really? Shits hard when we’re not white? Duh, just stop. We live in America and are still Fucking colonized and gentrified. Always being bothered, she is not a victim she is strong as shit to keep going with all the obvious bull. Just look at TV and movies, come on.

Great article! Cardi B is a breath of fresh air. Compelx and just a fun woman. I’m happy for her success.

Cute my might be a bit of an overstatement in my unaskedfor ass opionion, but I wear an 11/12 depending so I get it! Just some foot love advice, John Fleuvog and Cinderella Shoes online has the good really cute stylish affordable shoes that will last forever, also Bentleys in Brooklyn is the fucking best hands down.

She is amazing such a funny ass woman!

I’m a tribal member in Michigan and let me tell you, there are so many Fucking pressing issues, it’s heartbreaking to list. Housing, education, outreach, and yes the harrasment from non indigenous peoples. We need to stop separating this from all the rest of the shit happening. Of course we are harassed, it is