Icecreamdreamin Cupcakes for Breakfast...Yikes.

Actually that’s just what working life is like too, so just bang that shit out.

Girl, why even? Do some shit you love fuck the noise, and alllll the debt.

I snapped a wire on my retainer too when Michael B. Jordan took his shirt off. And I don’t wear a retainer.

Honda Odyssey! I’m dead! It’s a Fucking deadly sea of them over there.

How surprising. Plain stupidity.

KKK lol

KKK lol

Unfortunately Crisis Actors are a thing. Not saying that it is or isn’t in this case but it exist. Good thing we have the internet because research no longer is stuck in dusty ass encyclopedias. Research my friends.  

Good thing we aren’t in school anymore then huh? I’m sure you are part of the problem. Give solutions or back the fuck off of me and mind your biz. Now go have a seat in the corner you big ol’ hater.

So many typos my friends. Moments of passion and such:)

And raised him.

So happy this discussion is starting finally. I’m a feminist and strong as fuck native woman and I have friends from all over the place. But we gotta face it, white men (no not all of them of course) and their bullshit are raised by, marry, are siblings with, aunts and neices of white women.

She is amazing I love her even harder now.

Comments kinda low for this one.....

Even people who don’t like football watch the super bowl, it was probably intentional like you said, because...seriously. It’s the freaking super bowl.

Who would schedule it for the super bowl? Like come on we are in America.

Fucking love the Kanyes. He kinda crazy but the dude is always creating.

Literally. It would make more sense to send someone who is at lease open and curious. This just seemed like a bummer from the start.

*Living Room Standing Ovation

Exactly. I work with high school kids and they are just that, kids. They literally talk about candy and anime. But slap some lipstick on em, make them pout and throw them down a runway. I get they are skinny and can fit the clothes, because many just hit puberty and just haven’t filled out and then comes the eating

It’s crazy, literally looking through magazines and it is filled with sexed up children. I was on a shoot last week (meeting with a photographer) and one of the models was dead ass 14. Her father was there and said he would always go with her but didn’t like the whole idea behind the industry. They had her glammed up