Icecreamdreamin Cupcakes for Breakfast...Yikes.

Not only are Amy and David Sedaris National Treasures, they are my friends in my head.

By all means, do you. #QualityOfCharacter  

Thanks Main. I mean, people have the right to use the words they choose, personally I don’t think we need another dividing word, we are Americans (mostly I assume) and we live side by side, with some cultural differences of course. But blaccent assumes that my so called Black American peeps are all the same. It’s

Go to where I’m from -Detroit- and say blaccent, see how far you get.

Go to where I’m from -Detroit- and say blaccent, see how far you get.

Also your comment.

Thank you, I really wish that blacccent wasn’t introduced because the use of it in this thread is just wildly racist and cringe inducing. It’s American English at this point, literally a dialect.

Omg Clover thank you for THIS! Finally. I’m gonna buy you a beer, cheers it to you, confuse my friends, and drank that to you. 🏆

Ayeee! Beauty and brains with that sense of humor! Here for it so freaking hard. Issa Covergirl.

Guess Ill forever be an out of style unicorn.

Problem. lol. People should travel more, I have travelled the world and it is empty af.

We are to them. IDK why people care so much about these people, they care nothing of us.

Unfortunately the memories of people can be short my dear. I remember that Nazi shit.

I don’t know how any of y’all play that shit. Nazis in America, really?

Some of these kids really have their head on straight, cheers to this excellent young woman!

Same as now. They look stupid.

100. The negativity is absolutely overwhelming, there is beautiful happening too.

Exactly. I grew up in Detroit, the city not suburbs and let me tell you, the average person cannot afford this, it is heartbreaking. They give zero fucks about the people who are and have been there. It is such a diverse place and many of them will be shut out of their own city.

$295 is too damn high for Detroit. Jobs are and have been scarce for years, but I guess its not for my people who have been there for generations. People just started caring about Detroit and the exploitation is gross. If there is inclusion then Im here for it, but inclusion is not our country’s strongest suit.