Icecreamdreamin Cupcakes for Breakfast...Yikes.

Nah, it’s the same shitty ballgame.

That’s cool, everything isn’t for everyone, Murica and whatnot.

Everything Issa touches is legit golden, she deserves it all. But Atlanta was just freaking groundbreaking and weird and there were episodes that just stood as solo works of art. I’m not mad at any of the three honestly. Such a dope time for these artists to create, im happy they have distribution and a platform to

Yeah, but Atlanta...

LOL! Don’t worry, I too am an old, but I work with high school kids so my slang game is *muah* magnifiq!

I know right, people go so hard in the paint down here. Interweb Frenemies.

Saw her at JFK recently and yeah. S.W.O.O.N.

Cash is King$

i invested in a Breville Juicefountain and just throw the veggies i am not using into it, no more veggie waste.

*tear wells*

I was raised in Detroit and have lived in Brooklyn for a third of my life, and I can’t help but wonder that all of this sudden give a fuck about Detroit ties into gentrification, much like SATC and Friends for New Yorkers. New shows and movies about Detroit that are not about Detroit, don’t show Detroiters. They

There he is.

I mean...if it’s Denzel or Rhianna prolly.

Yooooo! I’d be pissed! Thank God I’m a grown lady and also quit smoking. But they can still go to the army?

100 stars.

LOL! I’m dead, this is a ghost.

Super cute gal! And the short cut is just muah* magnifiq! Last year I bleached and dyed my fro a beautiful cobalt/violet situation, and let me tell you, no bueno. Stripped my hair so hardcore, also blue does not come out, like ever and I didn’t want to bleach it again. I ended up dying it black blue for the grow

That’s fine, I’ll be a weirdo. I like your energy. But you may be better off takeing all that snark and finding out for yourself, instead of paying attention to this weirdo. It’s upsetting I know, we all should be upset at how we are treated as a nation. Direct it somewhere important, maybe to a policy maker. They can

Or just do your research. No need to be so upset and name call. Or do, it’s your world.

Thanks 🙏🏾 I’ll keep that in mind. I guess keep ya head down and continue sleep, you must be tired.