Icecreamdreamin Cupcakes for Breakfast...Yikes.

No, I only sat at the UN where they spoke about it. NBD. I usually stay away from the drugs, DARE worked. You can attack me all day, who cares, I just care about my fellow peeps trying to make a living and live a healthy life. Free speech and all. Just do your own research, don’t let lil ole me get you riled up. I’m

I know right, the government has always been so straight forward. Look it up for yourself, or bash me. Either way🤗

Yes because letting other grown men do your research has turned out fine according to history. That’s cool, it’s your world. I do my own, also I have eyes.

Lol all you want, just do your research.

Clover don’t tell them! Can we have nothing?! Also I adore this list.

Opus over everything.

Coconut oil works wonders on sensitive skin.

Poor kid, it’s easy to point a finger and name call, but desperation is mighty.

As an indigenous woman I’m surprised that the actions of this fool and the fools who allowed this mess to happen is shocking. The fact that the option was dynasty vs reality show competitor politician shows us all how this system doesn’t work. Parading this loose lip jackass pretending they don’t work together.

Excellent Reportage Kara, I needed that, homie in my head.

Y’all trippin’, I’d be right next to Ruby Rose, pink fantasia in hand.

Hmmmm something’s missing... oh I got it guys, the cop in riot gear talking to the black dude who just got his ass beat for breathing. Cool fixed it, now gimme a corona.

Ugh my eyes are all rolled out.

Yes it was cruel. (Yes I wish I had been there.) Leave the Roos alone tho Peeps.

Shadism eek, (I agree but all the new labels. I also have curls have some length 🤓) I do agree with you it seems like marketing, when she was selling proactive for her severe acne wearing layers of makeup, it must have been shitty. After her baby she probably got that diet right and a benefit is glowing skin, so I

It’s crazy hearing these stories from so many women of color, what we go through being the true majority on earth, yet being shown a beauty standard that is not ours. From commercials to billboards to freaking greeting cards, to that rediculous American Girl Doll, where the girl marketed to us was literally a Fucking

It seems to be customary to lie to the American people.