Icecold Davis
On Tom

Tom Scocca is leaving us, after a combined six and a half years at Deadspin, Gawker, and the Special Projects Desk.

Clearly McDaniels just loves fucking over horse-based franchises.

He’s not so good at geography, he went to the Nether Regions when he was meant for the Netherlands.

“I resign as HC of IC”

Barstool gonna Barstool.

I can’t wait to check out an HR manual in about five years to see all the references involving Barstool court cases and civil suits.

I know I am in the grays, but I work for a huge multinational and when I went to Barstool’s site, it was filtered by our IT department.

Found the Barstool fan.

You enjoy dudes in their 40s filming each other in the shower? Not that there’s anything wrong with that...

Apropos of nothing, Portnoy brought up the drama and referred to it as “Dickgate.”

Why do stoolies feel the need to protect their bro-cult leader on the internet any time people point out what assholes they are? Do you feel good about it? Do you feel threatened that someday someone might call YOU out for being an asshole?

Portnoy has been too busy owning the libs and triggering the SJWs to notice the guys he sides with and backs on his site are out in the streets shouting shit that hasn’t been heard in public since Germany in the 30s

There really needs to be a word for when something is so accurate that you can’t tell if it’s satire or not.

Well the truth about Nick Foles is about to come out, then.

And that’s how they treat the men.

Every time I read something about Barstool I feel like I’m in the fucking Twilight Zone. Filming anyone naked and posting it to the internet without their consent is harassment, much less your fucking employee, you idiots. If I did this I’d be fired immediately.

I thought Portnoy only did that to little kids?

Barstool sports is basically a date rape drug brewed up in Boston come to life.