Icecold Davis

the ceremonial first bet in Philadelphia was placed by Glen Macnow

Fire Mark Jackson<em></em>
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Oh, hello again. Yes, I have returned from my book-writing sabbatical—venturing to the Yukon, wrestling wild salmon,

He’s a parody of anonymous internet commenters, but the satire loses bite when your audience and biggest fans are those anonymous internet commenters you mock.

It’s the fact that he has a broad following among people who otherwise would not fuck with Barstool which is the issue. If he wants to benefit from the Barstool platform, it’s perfectly reasonable of LWags to remind his less meatheaded fans what benefit gross-ass Barstool gets by employing him and his subsequent

His boss harasses Laura, he says “no comment” and you think she’s being petty?

I’ve loved his schtick since the KSK days, but Laura’s correct with that Colbert/Fox analogy. We have to draw the line somewhere, and it’s probably long past time we stopped trying to separate him from Barstool.

Laura, good article, you bring up really solid points and I 100% agree with you.

Be real and talk about you in real terms, talk about your faults in a fun way and about your positive points.

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