Icecold Davis

Some people forget this.

You son of a

Cam’s extensive collection of press conference headgear is clearly constricting blood flow to his cranium.

Spoiler Alert: It was a hat-related emergency

Counterpoint: Sidney Crosby went to the White House with the Stanley Cup

That was quick.

The call is coming from inside the urinal

He would most likely make you buy him several dinners first.

Just wait until you see the numbers that he’s going to put up against the Knicks.

*Butt End

No ragrets

In situations like this it is important to remember that Mike Ditka has CTE, and that he has always been a huge fucking asshole.


Jerry Reese is up in an MSG luxury suite taking notes on, “how to be abysmal at your job and still not get fired.”

Classic case of mutiny sans the Bounty

The Harvey Weinstein scandal has clearly got Ben hearing footsteps.

Weird of St. Louis to just be so openly xenophobic without the usual heaping side of, “We are God’s chosen people and you are not.” 

“When you are absolutely never on time”