Icecold Davis

That empty chair is reserved.

The Zen Master is clearly just trying to call attention away from the fact that he gave the ghost of Joakim Noah a 4 yr/$72 mil contract.

At least the NYPD was not around to give out broken legs.

In fairness, all five hundred people in the stadium on Monday night had been telling Fitzpatrick that all game.

Portrait of a Jets fan

Upon hearing the news Ronaldo was, understandably, speechless.

You were.

In fairness, Manish Mehta has long been reviled by Boomer and Carton.

Tony Stewart once killed a guy. Gotta see both sides IMO.

You’re grading Castro on a curve because he came from a country with tremendous ethnic diversity and a religious monoculture that was not suited to certain third act Hitler moves and because we checked his military-industrial complex after he failed in his one shot to run the world while ignoring that he was totally

Funny how the white liberals who never lived under a ruthless killer/dictator decided that they get to be the arbiters of the Hitler comparisons.

His points are a series of false equivalencies and strawmen all wrapped up in a horrible misdirection but you do you. That was not an op-ed piece by LaBatard, it was a story about what was said on his show. Castro was a ruthless killer of dissenters and “undesirables” which probably had something to do with the amount

He did not say that they were equivalent in scale but that they were equivalent in kind. Nice strawman you got there.

this is the only good vine

*Extremely biker conspiracy voice* Howard Brookins is Luigi

Sources close to Louis Van Gaal indicate that he would like to be considered for that interim position.

Sam Allardyce is available, for the right price.