Good news! He did! It’s called Kong: Skull Island!
Good news! He did! It’s called Kong: Skull Island!
Make the joke IRL to friends who are on the same general humor spectrum and who are aware that something reprehensible is coming. Don’t do it online where literally everyone can see and where any nuance or sarcasm will be lost.
You reap what you sew. If you’re going to try and make your cash off the suffering of others, you deserve what you get.
The damage caused by Roger Ailes is truly breathtaking in its impact and scope. Professionally, he was a proto-Rove Richard Nixon accomplice and enabler who went on to found the most powerful and pervasive propaganda network in modern history, which was profoundly responsible for training millions to disregard…
I cannot fucking stand mobile cash-ins, especially ones that make kids sit through ads in exchange for recharges/credits. If a kid loves Cars 3 so much that their parents can buy them a full, proper video game for it, then awesome.
My dad had the best response to a situation like this. Two teenagers were sitting in front of my parents texting through a movie, so he pulled his phone out, turned it on, and shoved his hand between the two seats so his phone showed in up front of them. When they looked at him shocked, he just turned and said “Oh,…
You can figgity fuck right on off with that bullshit. You should not be allowed in public :)
you know that there’s an option three that doesn’t involve any form of distraction for other people, tho, right?
No, it isn’t. Unless you’re a lousy piece of shit that can’t quietly and quickly get through a row of people, it is absolutely less distracting to the single row of people versus /EVERY PERSON BEHIND YOU BECAUSE THAT’S HOW LIGHT WORKS/.
So, can people talk in the theater as well? “Please stop listening to my conversation and focus on the talking from the surround sound speakers all around you.”
Or, how about you be an adult and adhere to the social contract that we have all agreed to when going to a fucking movie theater. I didnt pay 15 bucks to be distracted by your shit.
We’re all missing the crucial piece which definitively makes you an asshole : why the fuck is your phone on? It’s not just rude (your argument is like sayubg, “I’m talking to one person loudly, but the movie is louder, so why are you paying attention to me yammering like a garbage person and gabbing in the place…
How is that any different to some awful child checking every notification for Snap chat and Insta every few minutes? Are you waiting on a kidney? Is Grandma on her last legs? If so, maybe you shouldn’t be at the cinema!
Your schedule and texting activity is the problem of other people. You should follow your own advice and stay home.
Why are you even bothering to pay to see a movie when your just staring at your phone. Go into the hallway if you need to do it.
I go to Alamo Theaters. I will have you thrown out for talking or texting. It’s a pleasure and the policy of the theater I like to exercise. Whine to them that you’re too special to care about the rest of the theater for your precious texts
The theater tells you before the showing that cellphones are distracting and not to ruin the movie for everyone else.
“If you’re that distracted, don’t go to the movies”
You are a garbage person.