
He definitely pointed a pistol at the cops.

No no no no. I write all this stuff and then get a chance to ask the very people who made it about it? You don’t turn down these sorts of opportunities.

This is different; I happily accept the sentient toys that exist in our world, and acknowledge, for example, they were built in Singapore or wherever. There are no huge holes in that world; you accept toys are sentient, and that’s it.

Hi. You must not live in America. We just elected Donald fucking Trump as president. Cheap, tacky, and overpriced is kinda our thing, sadly.

You called me a fag!

I am IN LOVE <3 with the irony of the surprised reaction of “MY ELEVEN YEAR OLD SON!!!!!!!”

“When he opened the booklet inside one of the pre owned games he ( MY ELEVEN YEAR OLD SON!!!!!!!) found this. A baggie of fucking meth!”

Ugh, I would rather fight 10,000 actual zombies than listen to that guys stream.

He listed games that could realistically be included. Both Conker’s, Banjo Kazooie, and Perfect Dark are owned by Microsoft. They would rather that you buy this instead of a N64 Classic.

I mean, it’s a link to the Kinja site that more typically covers issues in comic books. So are you just jerking yourself off, or were you actually curious?

This always baffled me, but there’s absolutely like... Trekkies out there who are conservatives and stuff. I don’t get it, did you just think Star Trek was about those cool times when Kirk was punching aliens or Picard zapped guys with phasers? Did you miss like... everything between those moments?

Country Roads always makes me think of Whisper of the Heart.

Sniping is cool though. It’s always cool.

I think the key point, though, is that she wanted there to be more than one character. If there’s just one token character representing a minority, there’s pressure on them to represent the whole group. Any flaws they had could be taken as impugning the entire category of people, so the safest path is to idealize

Time to get back to doing what this country is really good at: kicking the shit out of Nazis.

Wait, what?

Game in backlog, could actually spend that limited time playing it.. Instead, watches someone else play it to save time..

I agree.
There are lots of other games and consoles form other companies.
Nintendo does not want you to express your love on Youtube.
Nintendo does not want you to celebrate them on the internet.
So people should just quit it.

If Nintendo cannot understand how this might be good for them, it’s ultimately their loss, so,

It’s a mature reading of the situation that relies on nuance to make its point.

I want a new reboot starring Leslie Jones as the voice of KITT just to piss off the neckbeards.

I have nothing to reply with at this time.