I think the Ascent is the closest you can get at this point. Drives like a much smaller SUV.
I think the Ascent is the closest you can get at this point. Drives like a much smaller SUV.
Did you guys just become best friends!?
The GTA Autobahn must be the last few kms of the 404 between Newmarket and Keswick. 140km/h and you’re in the way.
Can we all just pour one out for the forgotten Honda Insight which came out as a 2000MY and beat the odds-on-favourite-in-the-comments Toyota Prius by a year? No, it didn’t change the game like the Prius did, but it deserves a mention. And yes, I see that the Model S is popular too.
I was only explaining Stephen’s joke...
GM: “Our EVs are catching on fire.”
C’mon, be a new Pony-N.
I bet, and I apologize for being so obvious! I had the chance to buy one for cheap about 10 years ago and passed cause I had nowhere to put it at the time. Turn the clock ahead and it’s worth 20 times what I could have got it for... painful.
500E sounds basically like a write-off. I can take that off your hands to save you the trouble?
I’d wager they’re two different houses tacked together. Aka townhouses.
Texas? Maybe some of Texas, but do yourself a favour (I’m Canadian) and at least visit San Antonio and Austin. You’ll thank me later, they are great cities.
I hope that’s true cause if so, it’s dangerously fantastic!
Yeah this is probably less bolt-in than putting an LS in a Miata. It’s a massive job.
Yes, there is a kit to help you do it which includes a subframe, etc. but you need to chop quite a bit of Mini away to fit everything in. Trust me, I’ve done the research for my own Mini, but feel free to bolt one into the Mini you probably have.
“...drop in a B16...” you say that like it just bolts in. It’s not a cheap or easy swap. Nothing is easy (or cheap) with these things.
Thee must be some sort of weather-proof cap. Looks weird cause it’s sticking out of the original gas filler hole in the sheet metal. Also looks weird cause there isn’t a river of fuel pouring out below it... (Source: my Mini’s gas cap is terrible)
I’d argue that no one would go symmetrical. If any teams were “betting” on the direction you’d essentially end up with 3 packs of cars at every race: chose correct direction, symmetrical, chose wrong direction.
Nissan Ocean and Fisker Z are wrong too. It’s intentional. For absurdity I suppose.
Donut recently made a great video about this and how because it’s such a universally loved car, every new generation gets insane hate initially for changing the thing people love.