I cantbelieveitsnot-butter

Vanderbilt Avenue really has completely transformed during the last five years. Thank goodness the origami studio is still nearby on 7th so I still have a twee neighborhood reference to offer now and again.

So there really is a Mayonnaise Momma and she’s just as much of a disingenuous turd as you might think. Mayo Mam, ‘Naise Nelly: gentrification’s not about hobby shop owners making hella dough because they don’t need to*; it’s about pretending to faithfully serve the obscure and ever-changing, often contradictory

I feel you artisinal mayo shop. My rent is 16 days late. But who’s counting.

1. Shop selling expensive luxury version of an everyday product moves into a neighborhood with cheap rent

When I flew out of Germany there were no problems with security lines or the like. Just police military on alert with full automatic rifles, I wouldn’t screw with them and they have a pretty good safety record; better than the TSA.

One time, taking a flight, TSA missed the pocket knife I had in my carry-on. But by some inexplicable logic they delayed the flight half an hour by detaining the pilot because he had nail clippers in his bag.

No wonder you changed your name.

You sincerely have a mental illness.

Yep they missed the vanilla in my bags from Mexico 3 times but the brand new ratcheting screwdriver got inspected everywhere-they just get so damn giddy when they find a bottle of water

I read it as bukaki security. I really need my afternoon coffee..

How would privatization result in less cost to us? Cost to us is determined by the market and the private company would be incentivized to charge as much as they can get. There is really no downward pressure on costs. Also, on failing audits, there is pressure on reducing operating costs in which the corporation will

You do realize prior to 9-11, screening was privatized? Although it’s not the gargantuan shit show this is now, it was a lowest bidder-style affair.

Yep. Densely packing a large number of people in a public area where large packages are considered normal is just good security.

“This isn’t a conspiracy theory pile” ...proceeds to pile on every bs conspiracy theory in the books.

Please stop.

And don’t forget garbage cans filled with gallons of liquids that are too dangerous to bring on the plane yet perfectly safe when mixed with many other unknown liquids and placed immediately adjacent to hundreds of tightly packed people.

A friend of mine has been a career TSA worker for over a decade now. I will attest to the fact that he is a complete moron.

Boy howdy I’ll tell you what, though, they sure found my breast pump every time and checked the living hell out of it.

kabuki security