I cantbelieveitsnot-butter

Right he probably didn’t write this. But he did do the whole stand up set about imprisoning people for being gay and how that it wasn’t going to be a punishment because they got to be in prison with all the other gay people and that would be like a fun party. Just annoying and dumb.

The title of the Times piece nearly made me weep -

He is emphatically unfunny and while I also doubt he wrote this tweet it’s in line with his particular brand of bad comedy.

Even though Trevor Noah probably didn’t have anything to do with the tweet, this post still reminds me of how downhill the show has gone since John Stewart left. It’s cringe inducing.

They didn’t think of her as human at all, any more then her murderer did.

You talk about bumrushing a guy with a knife who just brutally slit a woman’s throat like its an easy thing to do.

But the quote is relevant on a daily basis now, so we all lose. :(

When I lived in San Francisco I was mugged on a completely full MTA bus at 10 o’clock in the morning on a Friday. I was dragged to the ground by my hair, kicked repeatedly, and dragged out the back door of a city bus by the strap of my messenger bag (bc the strap wouldn’t break) by 4 attackers and 1 lookout. Everyone

I really admire people like that. I’m not good at all in these situations. I’m not so much afraid as unsure of myself and how to help. My FIL once stopped a swerving, out-of-control vehicle on the highway by putting his car in front of it and breaking to slow it to a stop. It turns out the driver had a medical

A few months ago, I discovered that there are sites that buy photos like these. They end up on sites like Tumblr, posted by people who worship serial killers and live to shock and “rebel”.

I think the whoop tee doo of it was, that in Chicago he went down & apprehended a man that just killed someone. He didn’t know if he had a gun or not as well as the knife, but he still went down there alone to stop a killer. It’s more than any single person on that train did.

I love your husband too. I seriously just love citizens in general: good people who care enough to intervene when something goes wrong. I’m a 911 champ as well, but I’m a chicken when it comes to intervening in violence. I once called 911 because a duck and her ducklings were walking along the centre barrier of the

“Dude, check out my new phone! The camera on it is amazing! Here’s me and Judy at dinner - you can see every hair on our heads. And here’s a picture of some flowers - you can see every blade of grass in the field!

My dad saw a girl get attacked by a dog. He pulled over his van and was running toward her with a tire iron to get the dog off of her. She was lucky she was wearing a heavy coat with a hood because that kept the dog from grabbing her by the back of the neck. That dog was going for a kill. The owner was able to call

Margaret Atwood, whose quotes some complain always show up in the comments for posts on violence committed upon women. But, unfortunately for the complainers, her quotes are too fucking dead-on so there.

This is why I have a very low opinion of people.

A lot of people don’t understand that privacy extends after a person dies. My mom is an ME and she frequently gets people asking if they can view an autopsy, as though it’s a form of entertainment. She always explains that no, they can’t, that the person being autopsied is someone’s loved one. She performs autopsies

Lol that’s what my sister did to me when i was all fucked up from a tornado. She lives for this shit, so she was giving all of the news outlets my phone number after they contacted her asking if they could use the photos i took that she posted on social media.

I think another sick, selfish part of it is the hope that you’ll be the one getting the “scoop”. That your news will go viral, that it will be featured in the news stories, that your tweet will be quoted...it’s the age of everyone being a roving reporter without any of the ethics.

One article I read said the man did not know her, he was a random man who asked if she would have his children and stabbed her when she said no.